Hey everyone,
Some practical housekeeping advice today, but very important so please make sure you follow this if you use WordPress for your affiliate marketing sites.
WordPress in my opinion is brilliant, I build all my sites on WordPress these days, as it makes life easy and create great sites with easier functionaility. However on occasion WordPress can go wrong, and the database which is essentially where all your files are stored on your server can get corrupted.
Although this doesn’t happen often, I have experienced before myself, and it’s not pretty. You can lose everything and have to start your site again, which we all know is not a nice thought.
However there is a free plugin that you can use, which I use on my sites, which automatically makes a backup of your entire wordpress database and stores in on the server for you.
If you do experience a problem with your database, you will be protected as this plugin makes a backup every 24hrs on auto-pilot. I think this is a no brainer really, because once set up you can just forget about it.
Below is the link to download this free wordpress plugin:
==>WP Database Backup<==
Believe me you will be grateful to this little thing if you do run into problems with any affiliate marketing sites databases!!
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If you have a decent webhost, none of this is required. With my webhost they automatically back up every aspect of my website from the public_html directory to the databases and are saved for a few weeks before being overwritten. All for a mere $5 a month including the hosting package.
If on the other hand you have a sucky host, then i agree, people may want to use the plugin you suggest.
Thanks for another good tip Matt. I have never heard of that plugin before. I’m going to download that for all of my sites to help prevent against an unfortunate situation.
Great tip Matt, and thanks for plugin link.
Hi Matt
Thanks for the tip- Any advice on how this plugin should be set-up
I have a first hand experience of not backing up my site and it was hacked, I lost almost one year worth of post.
I can’t agree less on backing up your blog regularly.
Thanks, I need this. My site was hacked a month or so ago and I have had to rebuild the thing. I have learned my lesson, backup all the time.
I know this is off-topic, but i hope for a reply none-the-less. I see you do most of your internet marketing US based, however i’ve come into an issue already as an internet marketer.
I’m marketing in the US and getting paid in US cheques, however before i started IM i didn’t consider 1) the exchange rates for us dollar cheques being paid into my bank and 2) the fees incurred cashing in us dollar cheques.
May i ask what you do in this case? Do you just cash them in to your bank and not give second thought to the exchange rates or fees? I’m trying to gauge whether or not i should market in my own country thus ruling out any fees or go for the bigger market, the US and incurr charges but earn more.
Thanks in advance.
Bob Reply:
June 23rd, 2011 at 12:00 pm
You don’t say in which country you live. I live in the Philippines where most U.S. dollar checks can be deposited to a U.S. dollar account with no fees. After 30 days, withdraw the dollar and change them wherever you can get the best exchange rates. Again, no fees.
Hey Matt,
Yeah WP is an awesome plugin and Austin must have put a lot of hours into creating it.
However something to keep in mind is that if you’re using other plugins like wp-table reloaded or transposh they use datatables that you’ll need to explicitly add by selecting them.
If you don’t explicity select them when performing a backup, the tables for the plugins won’t be backed up.
Just some food for thought,
cofounder at FB X-Tab Review
I just finished putting my first site together, and the last thing I want is the possability of losing everything I just worked on so hard to create. I will definately be adding this plugin to my wordpress site, and future sites for that matter. Thanks for all the great tips Matt.
Good call Matt,
This is one of those things a lot of us keep meaning to get to (me included).
Hi there.
Thanks for share Matts. I add some optional but powerfull options:
One of this is Idrive. A service of backup online. You can backup everythings, Database and Files in blog. Its free up to 2 Gb.
The second option is one of my favorite pluging from Vladimir Prelovac. It’s very powerfull for the features. His name is “Manage WP”. Not only allow backup everything like Idrive. Also, has a very useful and wishes features for Manage, mantain, clone and other especially focused in webmaster that mantain some blogs at same time.
I use this plugin as well and luckily never had a blog disappear on me yet. I am glad I have found your blog Matt, so much good info for me and others to improve our marketing skills.
Cheers Bruce
“If you have a decent webhost, none of this is required. With my webhost they automatically back up every aspect of my website from the public_html directory to the databases and are saved for a few weeks before being overwritten.”
In theory… But in practice, never trust your hosting! Always have your own backup (preferably in a cloud storage like Amazon S3) and always test your backups.
if your backups don’t work, they are useless.
this is a fantastic article. Backingup your site is crutial
Hey Matt,
That’s very useful indeed.It would be a disaster to lose a website after months or sometimes years of hard work.
Cool stuff Matt.
Hey Matt,
I had a question. I have this plugin already but need to put it on one of my wordpress sites. I went to upload the zip file and then when i go to activate it , it gives me an error message. Am I wrong to try and upload it as a zipfile. If it is unzipped , it has a tone of folders.
Thanks for any input.
Thanks Matt for the helpful plug-in. i recently had to redo my website because a error on wordpress.
Hey Matt,
Great advice. Since we always backup our computers, we should backup our websites as well. I never thought of that. Thanks for sharing this wonderful plugin.
Hi Matt,
how do put my picture on my avatar on your post?
Ruth Martin Reply:
August 9th, 2011 at 1:26 am
Hello friend, I will answer this with what I used to have my own avatar, it was easy and it works great. Go to: http://en.gravatar.com/ and set up a free account. There you can choose your avatar, called a ‘gravatar’ because you will be able to use the same one all over the web, or even upload your own pic from your computer. Try it, works great!
Hi Matt,
3 days ago a hacker messed with my site. 2 days ago I noticed it. I get my 24 hour backup. What will I find?
Thanks for this great info, having just started my blog and putting heaps of work into it, I would hate to loose it all.
Once again great info for us newbies.
Hi Matt
Thanks for this, as someone new to this you don’t think of such things and with my sites on WordPress, I will download and install asap.
All the best
Requires WordPress Version: 2.0.3 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.1.4
Has anyone tried this on 3.2 please?
Great advice – I have been doing this for a while, I would absolutely pull my hair out if I lost everything I have done.
People who do not back up their sites and files will regret it one day, then they will be believers. Thanks Matt!
Thanks Matt! Have added the plug-in and the weight is off my mind!
Hi matt! Have added the plug in and the weight is off my mind!
Excellent post Matt. I found a free service that backs up your data, but the free version only allots a small amount of server space, and only promotes it’s paid service, so this plugin is a huge benefit.
Thanks, Ken
If you use Hostgator, you can also back up right from the CPanel. They have a full backup, which you’d use only if you want to move the website to another server, or you can backup three components which comprise a full website backup. You can then download the files to your own computer, and if you need to restore, you upload from the files you previously downloaded to your computer (via CPanel). It’s not automatic but works like a charm and is very easy. Then, if you regularly backup your own computer, you’re doing a double back-up.
I have been looking for a WP backup solution for ages this seems good but I have one question. You say that back up is made to a server but I operate on a single stand alone PC so is the back up made to my C drive.
Hi Matt,
I am happy to be reading this! I have been watching for a good backup plan. I have tried a few different plugins, but most were too complicated for me, I am still not very computer savvy 😉
So thanks for the recommendation, I will try it!
Hostgator already does this automatically but not very often.
The problem you will have with Hostgator is that they don’t allow you to back up on their server frequently. At least not automatically, because it will use to much resources of their hosting.
So when you set it automatically set it on once or twice a week.
It is a good idea to backup your files yourself and not rely on hostgator, because their backups cost $15 to restore.
Hey Matt,
Great tip!
I use Joomla and WordPress for my affiliate sites and WordPress is easy to use but sometimes it lacks several features such as creating a backup. This is very important even if your web-host says they take backups every single day I do not trust them. I always keep a backup of my own. Just in case.
As for Joomla which I use on all my authority sites there is a great add-on called Akeeba Backup. It is top notch and never failed to deliver.
By the way, your course rocks
I’ve been studying IM for 12 months now and was going to use WP as my preferred platform but after reading your article I’m having second thoughts. Also heard that quite alot of WP sites can be hacked quite easily which aint good.
Matt Carter Reply:
August 19th, 2011 at 7:54 am
Hi Louise
I have lots of WP sites and not one has been hacked, and not sure why reading this article would put you off wordpress.
wordpress has changed the way we build websites . has become more easier and flexible. easy to add more content and we need not know html . nice blog indeed
I think everyone should try to use the free version first as there are many WordPress installations that don’t take advantage of the free backups. Then if you like it upgrade to the paid version. That’s what I did and it actually saved me a few months back when I installed a plugin and my WordPress site crashed. I was able to restore it fairly quickly! Thanks!
I haven’t started to use wordpress as Im relatively new to the world of building websites. After reading this article I think i will have a go and build my first wordpress website and definateley worth downloading the WP backup plugin.
Having a backup is always important for WordPress. Also I highly recommend to have a Cache plugin, it really helps improve your loading times for visitors.