I have a free gift for you all, it’s my very own Affiliate WordPress Theme! I got tired of there not being any decent WordPress themes that did what I needed them to do for Affiliate Marketing, so I created my own, just the way I wanted it and now you can use it too!
There’s a video below that demonstrates the theme in action and how to use it. The link to download the theme and my special WordPress Plugin that comes with it is here:(in the video I mention that you need to leave your name and email, but you don’t need to as the link below bypases that for you)
==>Click HERE to download My Affiliate WordPress Theme<==
Matt Carter
Related articles

Matt, this would definitely benefit me!
I have a question though,,
Have you tried the AffiloBlueprint theme from mark ling?
How are the conversions like compared to this wordpress theme?
Matt Carter Reply:
September 10th, 2010 at 7:02 am
Hey Juan
Mark has a theme also you are right, and its a good one, my one is just
different and the way I wanted to be, they both convert well, it just comes
down to a preference thing.
Hi Matt
Many thanks – and from what I have seen on your video – Looks very impressive.
Lots of value – Super thanks
Thanks Matt,
This is a real help. mls
Thanks Matt ! This looks great
Thanks for the Free Theme. I’m just a bit confused as how one would optin to get to an Affiliate product, say from clickbank, etc.
Many thanks for this Mark, it is probably of the the best items any body has given away. I am just looking into using wordpress. Many thanks again.
Best regards, Tom
Excellent Matt! Thank you. I like the layout and the ease of use of this theme.
Hey Matt;
You are the MAN!!
Thanks alot
This is awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Matt
Nice clean theme. Have quite a few sites to use this on. Love the simplicity. Much appreciated.
Thanks Matt, the theme looks nice and clean. Definitely gonna try this one out!
Hi Matt, Thanks for the new theme! it will come in extremely handy in some projects I am working on.
Thank you, Matt. I think I love you! Themes have been a thorn in my side since I began affiliate marketing.
Thanks Matt, I am looking forward to using the theme.
Thanks Matt, it’s nice to see someone who really is trying to help people instead of the masses out there that say they are but mostly smoke and mirrors.
Thanks again for the theme, look forward to your videos.
Hi Matt,
Looks awesome! Thanks for sharing.
Hello Matt,
Looks impressive! Thanks – I’ve downloaded it.
How do we get the 12 videos?
Matt Carter Reply:
September 10th, 2010 at 7:00 am
Hey Jhoe
If you are not on my email list then you can subscribe on the top
right of the blog where you will receive the 12 videos.
Matt, thanks again for all that you do! You are a real inspiration to keep learning and trying. I was so excited to read/see this blog post. I can’t wait to give your new theme a go!!
Sincerely, Chris
Ever since I teamed up with you with the Rapid rewriter I have gained not only the best tools but also some of the best No BS info on real advice to get results from my time (The most precious gift we have!),
Thank you for saving me even more time to gain a better ROI on my efforts in the Affiliate Game. Keep it going Matt 🙂
Matt, Your information is top notch! The instructions and stuff you give away are so helpful to anyone who is getting into marketing. I especially like this new WordPress theme that you have given out for free. You have a giving heart!
Thanks a million Matt.
I will put this into action immediately
Thanks Matt:
I’m just learning WordPress and I have a fancy complicated theme that I’m currently working with.
This is a great gift and I’ll use it on my next site.
Once again, thanks for your help. As always you deliver value.
Thanks very much Matt.
Awesome stuff.
Wow Matt, very generous of you! Very nice, clean theme. I will put it to good use. Thank you! 🙂
Hey Matt, thanks for a great theme that will be put to use. Cheers!
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your generosity, brilliantly Word-press theme. Terrific options in this theme. Thank you for sharing it with us. The video is very helpful.
Would appreciate a copy of your wordpress theme.
Many thanks, Don.
Hi Matt,
I’ve been looking for a theme that looks neat and impressive for a while, and you’ve just given it to me.That’s fantastic! I’m definitely going to use it.
Thanks a million.
Looks great Matt, I’m anxious to give it a try. You’re always bringing great value to your readers. I appreciate it greatly.
Matt, you continue to over deliver. You are a breath of fresh air in this industry. What you give your list for free, everyone else is charging for! Your products that you do sell are outstanding. I am a Mac user and Rapid Rewriter is a blessing for me. CWS is another excellent program that I am going through right now.
Awesome Job Matt.
Frank Ruffoni
I’ve been looking for a solid affiliate-optimized WP theme for a while now, and your’s looks great!
Thanks, Matt, for again providing real value!
Fantastic Matt,
You are really one of the best guys out there on the net. Friendly, genuine and very professional. Thanks for all your great info and your willingness to help others!
Thanks Matt I will most certainly find a use for this theme.
I’m busy converting my static html websites to WordPress, so this will definately be useful…
Great product/gift as always. Rotimi
Wow! Spooky or what … I’m in the process of setting up a WordPress affiliate site and experimenting with different themes when your email drops in my email box…
Frustrated at how restricted I am in different themes, this could be the answer to my prayers.
Very keen to give this a go. I’ll let you know how I get on.
Thanks Matt…
Incredible! For the last month or so, I’ve been looking for a theme that I can modify to do what you mention in the video above. I wanted to take away all the comment stuff and wanted to be able to have different banners in the sidebar for different pages. I have tried so many themes and spent so much time modifying to find that it didn’t work. This is a great gift.
Thank you so much.
Donna 🙂
Thank you Matt! You’ve thought out this theme in full. I’m looking forward to using it and getting back to you on how it’s working for me.
You rock!
Hi Matt.
I am going to test this with my CPA Site, as it looks nice as a cpa landing page as well, clean and neat.
I have been on your list for some time now, and I encourage anyone who isn’t to join. Mark always recommend very god products, and this freebie is obviously a good testament.
thanks Mark
Hey, Matt, don’t know if anyone else has reported the same, but installation of your WP theme (at least for me) generated some errors and it didn’t install properly:
Warning: fopen(/home/brilc0/public_html/greatworkingjobs/wp-content/themes/wp-theme/style.css) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/brilc0/public_html/greatworkingjobs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4165
Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/brilc0/public_html/greatworkingjobs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4168
Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/brilc0/public_html/greatworkingjobs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4171
The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
Name Description
wp-theme Stylesheet is missing.
Just wanted you to know….thanks!
Matt Carter Reply:
September 10th, 2010 at 6:57 am
Hey Steve,
There are a few reason this could happen, one is that you tried to upload the zip folders
via FTP, where you can’t do that you have to unpack then first, you are better to upload the
zip folder from inside WordPress like I explain in the instructions. The second reason is that
your wordpress database is corrupted and needs reinstalling, but I think its more likely the first
Email me if you get stuck
Thanks Matt. Clean and simple is the way to go!
Thanks Mat, another blessing!
Matt – you’re a star – thanks for yet another generous offer.
Gey Matt, you are so awesome!
You gave us a new wordpress theme right when I needed it, Thank you so much, Samantha
Thanks Matt
I have been using flexsqueeze for a long time and its a great theme but this looks a nice clean easy to use affiliate theme
thanks again
Theme created by affiliate – that’s great Matt!
Esp top products below, this is HUGE converter 😉
Great Matt,
Thanks. Just what is needed.
Especially losing all the comments etc stuff as that’s always tough to get rid of for a technophobe like myself.
You’re the man. Theme looks great and recently I’ve been running into the same types of problems not wanting to shell out for a theme. Couldn’t have come at a better time!
Thanks again Matt! This theme rocks. You are awesome!
Thanks Matt for the free theme. It looks great, I will try using this.
Thanks Matt,
Really good stuff.
I especially like the fact that you customized it to remove the post date and comment lingo as I find that it distracts readers, for this particular type of marketing.
On a regular blog it would be ok as commenting and such like actions increases interactivity and this would make keep your blog updated with some content and look appealing to big G!
Hey Matt,
Is it Christmas already in Australia?
Thanks so much for this valuable gift to the community.
The theme looks pretty slick and perfect for affiliate marketing sites. I will definitely go and use it on some new sites I plan to install within the next few weeks.
Thanks so much for yet another great gift and have a super special awesome day.
Hey Matt
That’s awesome and generous. Thank you again for all the good content and advice.
WONFERFUL! Thank you, Matt.
I have been gathering all the ‘puzzle pieces’ before setting foot in the e-commerce arena. I suspect that your overall generosity AND the new theme that you have made available will go a long way to that end.
Bought your Rapid Rewriter a few months ago – look forward to putting it to the test!
Many thanks, again . . .
Matt, you take my breath away. Like Donna said, this is a real gift. And videos too!! Wow. I’ve already praised you on my blog (tho don’t get too excited, no one sees it!!). But now I have to go back and add this before I Tweet it any more. FABULOUS, and ample demonstration of why you’re at the top of my favorites list.
Hi Matt
Thanks for this great theme.
I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time and here it is. Manna from heaven.
Thanks again
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the free premium WordPress theme, I think I might try it on my website http://ChristianMarriageAdviceTips.info I like the idea of the clean pages and no dates (they’re great for blogs but not when you’re using WordPress for affiliate purposes). I also really like the theme used for your blog, is that part of the premium theme, if not what is it?
Finally I’m looking forward to the 12 part video coaching, if I can glean enough from them to get a fraction of the success you have achieved I’ll be a happy chap.
Hi Matt,
What can I say? It sure is a breath of fresh air to have someone REALLY help you out, so thank you for such a thoughtful gift.
Hi Matt, thanks a lot for your theme, but I appreciated also your video as well.
See you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni
Thanks Matt. This theme looks as awesome as your backlinks video course
I got some error when I tried to use it: Stylesheet is missing.
Pls help.
Matt Carter Reply:
September 10th, 2010 at 6:53 am
Hey Jack
This errors means you tried to upload the zip folder via ftp when you need to only upload
the folders if you use FTP. The easiest way to do it is to upload the entire zip from within
wordpress, as wordpress allows you to do that.
Let me know if you are still stuck
I love that this takes off the date and other distracting info. Thanks!
Hi Matt.
wow wow. Just want to say a big thanks to you for giving this great gift for free. I am not surprise though, you done it before . I do have a new site that i will work on this weekend so i will definitely use it then. God bless my friend.
Hi Matt:
Thanks for the wp website theme and plugins. You thought of every including different banner ad positions per post page. As always, awesome information for us all!
Cheers mat,
a great-looking theme, is this where I leave my name and e-mail address?
It’s true, the simplicity is what makes it so effective. Thanks Matt, great stuff as usual.
Thank You, Matt!
Everytime I read your blog, I get more and more impressed over you VALUABLE free content.
Thanks from someone who’s trying to make her first sale online.
cool video and awesome theme… thank you so much for being so generous.
Jorge R.
Dear Matt,
You really do make it worthwhile to stay subscribed; thank you for your generous gift.
I will be installing it on one of my sites as a trial.
Here’s hoping it’s a change for the better.
Thanks again
Thank you Matt,
I have totally abandoned WordPress because of the many shortcomings and lack of flexibility and I’ve returned to using straight html. Your free theme may hopefully re-convert me.
Wishing you continued success.
Bill in Texas
Matt: thanks alot…it looks really good. I appreciate it! Dee Scully
Oh My Gosh! What a perfect gift, Matt. This will be perfect for my CWS sites that your got me turned on to. I absolutely hate the theme I have. Please tell me that it is easy to “switch” over to this theme!
What I like about it is the clean features, all the junk taken off the top and the simple two column sidebar. The featured products at the bottom will also help to boost sales.
Is that a widget you designed or can I use it on my Affilio jetpack sites somehow. For that one, since there is an opt in page, it would be better on the bottom of the side bar.
Thanks for your free gift to all, but it is not free to you. In case you don’t know, givers never lack good things and their hands are always up.
Hi Matt,
Man, I would hate to even ‘guesstimate’ what you could price this for on the open market – and it’s free!
Thank you so much,
Stephen Anderson
Waterbury, Vermont (USA)
Wow, this is awesome!
Thanks for the theme and the video as well, you really make my life easier with this. Funny thing, I kept on switching theme every single month to say the least. I think my headache will be over now, thanks man.
Gotta go to upload it on my blog now, can’t wait for that…yaya me 🙂
Hi Matt,
Just feeling my way into this IM lark – and have discovered that real info (as opposed to endless hype) comes from you guys down under. There are not many internet marketers I bookmark, but you’re one of them (Mark Ling and Andrew Hansen are two others, for your information).
From the first, I’ve found you offer really useful content. This WP theme is what I need: I’ve been struggling with both theme and monetizing and this looks perfect.
And all FREE! Wow! Thanks a bunch, and really sorry for the pain you’re about to go thru’ during the Ashes series…
Hi Matt,
This is a great gift!
I love the theme because its clean, uncluttered, efficient and does the job quite nicely. I will be using it on several of my newer sites to see how it performs. But knowing you as a provider of great value and training, I’m sure it will perform and convert excellently.
thank you matt for the info and advise
it is great to hear from you enabling us to learn more about the Affiliate marketing. This field is so vast that it takes some time to get it going. Just taking a little bite at a time so that is chewable and easy to digest.
Thanks again matt
Thanks matt
It is really cool I am getting to know the Word Press structure to do various things. I will try your advise in the process
I really do not know what to say. Having paid for a theme before i feel sick when I see this clean theme and totally focussed on the core business of promoting. Ye thanks man I will be delighted to use this theme.
Looks slick Matt,
Many thanks. I was looking for a theme that can leave out post dates and comments. This will save me at least a days work of tweaking php. and html.
One question though: Will the pictures of recommended products show their H1 headings too? Since it is better to have only one H1 per page for SEO.
Thank you and a jump of joy,
Hi Matt,
Thanks a lot for giving us this wordpress theme!!
Awesome Matt,
Thanks very much for the neat Word Press theme, it looks like a winner, looking forward to using this.
Hi matt
once again thank u !
Great Stuff. you just advanced my learning curve by a few months. Thanks for sharing. I’m excited to get started using this..
Matt, this is great. It will save a ton of time removing the clutter that comes with other themes.
Thank you for your generosity. I am making the move from Squidoo sites to WP sites and this will be my first go at it. Becoming a loyal follower of your tips.
Thanks Matt!,
Very cool.
Hey Everyone,
Instead of replying to each and every comment on this post (there a lot!!) I thought it be easier if I just do a bulk reply here. Anyway just wanted to say thanks for all the positive feedback and I am glad you all like the my Affiiate WordPress Theme.
I am priveldged to have you all on my email list and I despise marketer that just ram sales pitch after sales pitch down their subscribers throats. So I wanted to give you all this free gift which I think will really help you make money online.
I am only using this theme now, I don’t use anything else, because it is working for me and it is super easy to use also.
You guys rock!
Matt Carter
Hey Matt Thanks For the Free Word Press Theme Looks Great I like the Fact its Not Overly Complicated Like A Lot of Others Looking Forward To the Training Video’s.I Of the Reasons I Stick Close to Your Blog Is Your Training Video’s Are the Best I Can Always Follow Along And Not Get “Lost” Due To Not Understanding You Make it Easy Thanks Drew H.
Thanks Matt.
I’ve been using flex-theme for quite a while now because as the name suggests…it’s flexible but I think you might have out done them here.
I particularly like the option to be able to use a “page” above all posts.
If I’ve understood this correctly, does it mean that you can set a static page as your home page which will then have your latest “posts” following beneath it like a standard blog?
Great plug-in will install this weekend, as I was considering affiliate marketing as part of my Internet businesses
Hi Matt
Wow… your blog has gotten really busy – fantastic – you must be doing something right. Good on ya mate! Keep up the good work.
Exactly what I need right now. I’ve spent countless indecisive hours…yes, hours, trying to figure out what would be the right theme for the kind of site I want to create!
Your theme is perfect! Simple, aesthetic, clean…perfect!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Matt
thanks a lot mate, a welcome change and it looks cool.
Thanks Matt,
Can you please send me your free Affiliate Word Press Theme. I can tell by the video that it will be of great help to me.
Hi Matt,
Thanks so much for this theme – I’ve been trying to persuade myself to buy a decent theme for ages, then along comes yours which is perfect!
I wish you the best of everything….