Multiple product niche
Ideally you want a niche where the subscribers to your email list will buy more than one product from you. Keep in mind the products need to be good quality, so make sure before jumping into a niche that the products are a quality. The last thing you want to do is compromise your reputation by promoting garbage.
Product or Store Creation Potential
Although not essential, it is a good idea to ask yourself whether you could create your own product in the niche or if not a product perhaps an ecommerce store further down the track. I started doing affiliate marketing in one niche (not the I.M. niche) and now have progressed to having a store and making my own products in it also. This project is something I’m now pouring a lot of resource into now.
Community focused
This last thing I push people towards is building a community in a niche. I recently did a blog post on this here – creating a movement. If you take the time to position yourself as the authority in a niche and end up having a community following then you’re building yourself an asset, which will be well worth it. This takes time and hard work and is why most people don’t bother, but I can tell you that is definitely works.
I hope you found this overview on how to choose a great affiliate niche helpful!
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Thanks for sharing the niches. Just to add a note, clickbank has several offers to promote for all these niches
This is some great advice matt. I’ve seen people pay for lesser (both in terms of quality & quantity) information.
Hi Matt,
you suggest “Dog Training” as one of the winning niches for 2013. However, each time I read (or attend courses) about affiliate marketing, dog training is always the example topic used! This is kinda funny. I thought that for this reason, this niche could be overused, with high competition. You still suggest it?
Matt Carter Reply:
January 2nd, 2013 at 12:52 pm
There’s always plenty of room in these niches, and especially with SEO as a lot of sites got hit hard by Google over the last few years and so opportunities open up for people, plus dog training has a lot of keywords.
Suresh Reply:
January 2nd, 2013 at 4:34 pm
Even I have stayed away from most of these so called “high competition niches”, but I guess so many people are into it because there’s money to be made.
And with sites hit hard recently, it could be a good time to enter make your presence felt.
Thanks Matt, never knew that the Survival niche as so big – although there seems to be a number of similar programs on TV over here in the UK relating to this subject.
Any reason why you chose the most competitive affiliate niches out there?
Matt Carter Reply:
January 2nd, 2013 at 12:50 pm
I choose niches where you can make money.
Hi Matt
Happy New Year to and your family.
10 great niche ideas, three I am already in and one that I am having some success in.
Love your blogs.
Hi Matt,
Good article, although I think some of those niches are quite competitive.
I currently have three web-sites but none are making any money, Could you refer someone to me that might be able to help me with these issues?
John Hoff Reply:
January 2nd, 2013 at 2:10 pm
Hey John. You should try enrolling in Matt’s IM Super Elite. It’s all about this sort of stuff.
David Reply:
January 4th, 2013 at 2:18 am
Stick with Matt, he knows what he’s talking about. Two others I trust are Terry Kyle and Lisa Parmley.
Thanks Matt, it’s a great post. Happy New Year!
Hi Matt,
Thank you so much for your brilliant information. I read anything you write.
Will David Mitchell DM1.US
Hi Matt,
Is it okay with you if I quote you on my blog and Always provide links for people to go to your website for more info?
Your friend,
Will David Mitchell
Matt Carter Reply:
January 2nd, 2013 at 12:49 pm
Yes as long as you give me the credit and don’t copy the content, otherwise all good!
Thanks for this info Matt, I started with high competition and got really despondent but then one of my sites made some money and when i looked into it…suddenly something “Clicked” and I started focusing on keywords in those niches and changed the sites and they started to work 🙂
Thanks Matt. I always try to remember the BIG 3.
– relationship
– money
– health
Always money there, you just have to find your way in.
Hi Matt,
You said in reply to Erik B that there is a lot of room in these niches since a lot of sites got hit hard by the Big G. Are the exact tactics that you showed in SEO Expert Academy still relevant in post Penguin Panda era. If not really, then are there any plans to update the info in SEO Expert Academy?
Also how may niches do you personally participate in?
Thanks, look forward to reading your reply.
Matt Carter Reply:
January 3rd, 2013 at 7:38 am
No SEO Experts doesn’t cover all you need for Panda and Penguin, these came after, but Eric’s course which I did a webinar on does cover everything, you can find that webinar under the ‘webinars’ category
Hi Matt, as always great info, I would also suggest going to Flippa and taking notes on websites with a high monthly income and trying to come up with something similar. By the way, do you know of any service on making an ecommerce site?
Even if you think some of the above mentioned niches might be ‘too competitive’ — If it’s an area of personal interest or passion, go after it anyways. The traffic and keywords that you CAN get seen for tell you so much about under-served keywords within that niche.
For example; a Fitness Trainer friend is inadvertently finding that when he started talking about training very _specific muscles_ he’s gotten surprising traction in the otherwise (supposedly) saturated “Build Muscle” mega-niche. Everyone else is talking about developing big/huge/massive biceps, back, thighs, calves — but he’s getting eyeballs from clinical terms like ‘gastrocnemius’, ‘sartorius’, ‘vastus lateralis’, etc…
Matt Carter Reply:
January 3rd, 2013 at 7:40 am
What are great comment Glenn! Thanks
Oh these following list of niche are extremely great. It is because I owned a dating site. It was ranking top 5 in Google, amazing traffic and most of all it was earning thousands of dollars since it was launched. Then, Panda and Penguin was launched and it was hit. A total drop of traffic and a massive loss on income for a couple of months. However, thanks to you, Matt Carter by introducing Eric and his course the so called Panda Breakthrough, indeed my site successfully recovered. Thanks to the methods of Eric I am now slowly getting back my old ranking. Also, my site is now in page one of Google search results for the most competitive keyword I am targeting and hopefully it will earn the number one spot by the end of January 2013. Fortunately, my monthly income is back at 80% of what it was before.
When I get the number one spot for that most competitive keyword that I am targeting, I might consider some of the other eight niches on this list.
Happy New Year to you Matt and to all of your subscribers!
Matt Carter Reply:
January 3rd, 2013 at 7:37 am
Brilliant Heather! Very happy to hear this.
Thanks for the list Matt I personally feel that these niches are so completive these days that it is very hard to break into them with little mini sites and you have to build authority sites which can take a long time.
Any advice on how to make some quick money in these niches?
Matt Carter Reply:
January 3rd, 2013 at 7:36 am
Yeah you do have to plan authority sites, I don’t do anything for quick fast money these days sorry.
Hi Matt,
happy 2013 and thank you very much for sharing these good info.
Hi Matt,
Happy New Year to You and Yours! I’m working on my store and I seem to be gaining more and more on it, everything takes time. My question is: When working with these 9 niches; is it a good idea to make up some kind of review site?
Fred – Thanks for everything!
Thank you Matt for your well needed advice advice on how to pick a niche. I must say this is the part that gets me every time, so I end up spending a lot of time thinking about what niche to go after. I will take those criteria and put them to practice tonight.
Thank you
How about internet marketing niches?
Matt Carter Reply:
January 3rd, 2013 at 7:36 am
Yes the IM niche is good, if done properly.
Hi Matt, Happy New Year to you and your family first of all. When it comes to internet marketing there are just 3 people I follow for the great content and you’re number one. I know that by simply watching (carefully) what you do will generate great ideas.
Like this post for instance… I noticed you split the article up into 2 parts with a link to part two… Am I right in thinking this was done to get a higher “click through” rate? If it wasn’t intended, I’m sure as heck will use it on my sites… It’s brilliant…
Best Regards,
Matt Carter Reply:
January 3rd, 2013 at 7:35 am
Yes you are right!
Hi Matt ! Great PR, well written and a good read. Thanks for sharing ! Have a successful day
Hi Matt,
I like the information you give to your readers, We have all fell into the trap of PUSH BUTTON instant wealth and
you explain the fact so well that, There is no easy street solution with Internet Marketing the only people that
are successful are the people that put in the work. Myself I put in at least 10 hours a day to keep things running
smoothly I am always looking for new training, new tools, and new inspirations just any thing to make me work Smarter not harder.
Thanks for great information,
Steve Forrester
Thanks matt, these are excellent suggestions for affiliate markets. Really like the idea of having an e-commerce type of setup and currently working on it. Thanks for all of the great advice and continued success!
Hi Matt,
Love the info about the keywords part!
Still a marketing student and at times I still find it hard to generate enough key words to list under certain business directories given its huge capacity of words allowed.
Thanks a lot! I can really use this info.
Hi Matt, I Just now am looking into making money online, I am 50 yrs old and was not raised with the internet. I have been reading your articles and watching your videos. I just am getting confused as to how and where to start. Some of the terminology is over my head. I have developed agorophobia a condition that mentally makes it very difficult to leave the house, this is why I have started to look into this. I need to start making some good money (not great) as my income is zero now. Like I said, I’m confused as how and where to start and need a step by step instruction starting from the very basics. Thanks for your time–Cydney
Great Pr, well writen and a good read. Thanks for sharing!
Hi to all,
I am new person to the blogging stuff.I gathered lot of information from your blog.Keep good work in the blog
Hi All. I notice “Gaming” is in the list. I am no expert at choosing niches but I fail to see how this can qualify as a good niche? I thought about targeting this niche a while back and rejected it for one reason. I believed it had no sales potential because all computer games can be bought locally (blockbusters, gamestop stores etc). I would also like to know why most of these niches are “informational”. When I first started out in this game everyone was telling me to target “Physical products”?