Hey everyone,
In this post I will be outlining some very important SEO techniques that you must do to ALL of your pages or posts to increase Google rankings.
These are all ‘On Page’ SEO tips, and vitally important. If you get your on page SEO right, it means you can build less backlinks and still get top rankings!
If you know about On Page SEO, I still advise you to read this post, as there are some things included that I only recently discovered myself.
Let’s take a look at this step-by-step, so you’ll have a good checklist of things to do.
The first thing I recommend is, if you are using WordPress download and install the free “all in one SEO pack“. This plugin makes life much easier for some of the things we will be discussing in this post.
How to Increase Google Rankings
Meta Tags
The first thing you need to do with your pages is make sure the exact keyword phrase you are trying to rank for is in your title, description and keywords for the page. In the example image below, you will see an example of this for the keyword phrase “dog training tips” (if you are not using WordPress, then most HTML editors will have a place for you to enter these details)
Keyword Formatting
It is obviously important to include the exact keyword phrase in the body of the article, and I usually aim for about 4-5 times in a 400-500 word article.
However it is also important to make sure you use the keyword phrase in the first 50 words on the page in order to increase Google rankings. On top of that, you should aim to bold that keyword phrase once, and also make it italics somewhere else. It is also really important to have your keyword phrase is in the last sentence of the page.
Linking Your Keyword Phrase
Most people don’t know about this, but it helps to create a link on your page somewhere that uses your keyword phrase as the anchor text, with the link pointing to your home page.
You should also have another link on the page that uses your keyword phrase as the anchor text, but this time make it link to the very page you are working on, so it links back to itself (weird I know, but it seems to help.)
Image Alternative Text
When you have images on your pages, you can give them an “alternative text”, and that text needs to be your keyword phrase for that page. However only do this for the first image on the page, do not do it for more than this, otherwise it may look like a form of keyword stuffing, which could be frowned upon by Google.
H1 and H3 Tags
Another thing that help to increase Google rankings, is at the very top of your page you should have a Heading 1 tag, otherwise referred to as an H1 tag. Make sure your keyword phrase is in that H1 tag.
You should also have an H3 tag somewhere on the page, and make sure that your keyword phrase is in this also.
Make sure that your page URL’s have the keyword phrase in them, and especially if you are using WordPress, because the default setting does not do this. In WordPress you need to go into the “permalinks” setting and select “custom structure”. For the custom structure you should have this:%category%/%postname%/
On this note, it is a good idea to organize your sites pages or posts, into categories. So if you have several topics, create categories for these topics and place your pages and posts into these categories.
Internal Linking
Another important thing to do if you can, is to have internal linking done well. You can do this by having a links menu on the sidebar of your sites, which includes all the other links to all the pages on your site, using the keyword phrase that those pages are targeting. This becomes more difficult with larger sites though.
Quality Outbound Links
It is a good idea to have some links on your affiliate marketing or any site for that matter, that go to authority sites in your niche. Google and the other major search engines like to see this.
It makes sense when you think about it, because search engines want their customers to have a good user experience. So the last thing they want, is to send traffic to a page where the user has no other options but to hit the back button.
All I do is add half a dozen links to authority sites that are useful to the visitor, but don’t make these links that obvious. This is not hard to do but most people don’t realize that this can help your rankings .
So there you have a solid On Page SEO checklist that you can use on all of your pages to increase Google rankings and require as little backlinking as possible.
Matt Carter
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Hey Matt,
Thanks for the tips. What’s the rational behind the anchor text linking back to the very page its on.
Matt Carter Reply:
September 27th, 2010 at 5:32 pm
Hi Berg
To be honest I don’t really know the rationale, I have just tested it and spoken to other guys who are much more advanced at SEO than me, and it works! Kind of odd I know, and you don’t have to do that part if you don’t want to, but it does seem to help a little. I know this guy that has been doing this but with more links and he is getting some new sites to PR 4 in a 4 weeks with no backlinks!! Totally beyond my understanding, but it seems to work.
Thanks for your comment
Well Matt, if its not detrimental, then I don’t see why I shouldn’t use it. I just like to know how things work, that’s all.
Thanks again for sharing.
You are a star! First I’d like to say thanks for all you’re offering for free, just found you yesterday via Mark Ling.
I’m new to all this, but have done a lot (and I mean a lot!) of research and had discovered quite a few of the things you mentioned, but there are several of your tips that I haven’t seen.
Regarding the outbound links you say “but don’t make these links that obvious” can you explain how you do this, do you just make the link from a word in your article, but ensure that the text just looks normal, but would link if clicked?
Matt Carter Reply:
September 27th, 2010 at 7:50 pm
Hey Patrick
when I say don’t make the links obvious I mean put them in the side bar or in the footer of your site, where the traffic is less likely to be distracted by them, but the search engine can still see that they are there as an option.
nice post bro…i m newbie i didn’t speak English well, but i know it great post
Thank for for an interesting article. I’m aware that SEO is an important factor to increase google ranking as well as generating free traffics to our website.
I like your suggestions about having quality outbound links from our website for good user experience.
Great post Matt – sometimes executing on the basics is what we IMers need to focus on more.
Internal linking is something that’s easily overlooked – I’ve got some editing to do on my sites now 🙂
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the tips.
Thank for for an interesting article. I’m aware that SEO is an important factor to increase google ranking as well as generating free traffics to our website.It works for me.
Hey Matt
Great info.
I had been using some of your suggestions for a while.
They all make a little difference, but put together can
make the difference between high rankings or not ranking at all!
Keep up the great work
Antonio Licchelli
Great post again.. You come up with tips sometimes seen nowhere else..
Creating a link out of keyword phrase is quite interesting. Also the idea that we need to have outbound links to authority sites makes sense. I was of the opinion that I should not waste my link juice, but at the end, it is the user experience all that matters. Thanks for some wonderful tips!
Great post Matt, I knew most of the tips but picked up a few good ones I didn’t know about. Thanks for posting great info like this – it’s always nice to learn a few new things!
Thanks for the SEO tips. They are something that we should be doing all of the time, but some time we get a bit lazy.
Hi Matt,
Just received your free training downloads and i say right on.
From a quick glance it’s fantastic. I really want to thank you for the free training gift. I am certain many others feel the same way.
Really good post for the new folks, just starting with word press and a great reminder on several SEO “secrets” for those of us who have been around a while.
Hi Matt,
Just thought i should correct you on a few things:
META tags dont affect your search position, keywords arent used by any of the 3 big search engines any more (now yahoo uses bing data). instead a meta description is only worthwhile as you can add a point of sale message in it.
Don’t spam ALT attributes as this wont help with your SEO.
Outbound links wont help with SEO (they work against you – see Wikipedia who nofollow all links)
hope that helps
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 8:14 am
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your feedback,
I guess it is a matter of opinion perhaps…
As for meta tags I know quite a few SEO companies that still focus on these.
I did’t say to spam ALT tags either, in fact I even said to only do one so it doesn’t look like spamming, so not sure what you mean by your second comment.
As for outbound links, I disagree, as I have tested this and I find that page rank doesn’t leak out and if you link to high page rank sites it has helped me, albeit very slightly, its more of a trust factor thing. Google even penalize Adwords sites for not having quality outbound links, they have even stated this, so your page will get slapped if it doesn’t have some form of linking out, so don’t see why it would hurt your SEO site.
Thanks Matt. Didn’t know about the anchor text linking back to the very page its on thing.
That is weird – do you have the source?
Another awesome post Matt.
Hey Matt.
Some more great tips. I had heard some time ago about having outbound links to authority sites, but only ever by one person, and I had stopped doing it.
Thanks for the heads up on the internal linking. I knew it should be done, but never had any clear rules. Now I do.
Best Regards,
Great tips Matt,
Just wondering what you think of making the outbound links to authority sites nofollow? Google still sees them, but won’t pass link juice so. What’s your thoughts on this?
Art H
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 8:08 am
Hi Art
I think you could use no follow if you want, but to be honest I think it is more important to link to high page rank sites.
Thanks for the summary.
1. Is there a reason for using your keyword in a H3 tag and not a H2?
2. How about this way of incorporating your Linking Your Keyword Phrase suggestion?
Inserted at the bottom of each page:
Click your keyword to return to the top of this page. Click here to go to the homepage=> your keyword .
Thanks, Jack
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 8:07 am
HI Jack,
I like the way you have done the linking, I think will try that!!
As for H2 tags I have mentioned that in previous replies I made a few times.
Thanks for a great tip there!
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the post. There is some weird stuff in here but I am willing to give it a shot since its coming from you. Loved the seo videos you did for the affilojetpack members. Thanks a LOT!
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the check list. I’ve been aware of some of these tips – and it’s nice to see everything in a checklist format. Makes it so much easier to make sure i catch everything.
Sherri 🙂
I find this checklist very interesting. Some gurus contradict your advice about Meta Tags. They say google no longer pays attention to meta tags for the purposes of ranking. I’m not saying you are wrong…and I religiously optimise the meta tags…just to be sure but I just wonder…what convinces you that the meta tags are still important?
I find the idea of a keyword loaded link to the page itself…like you’ve done on this page…is intriguing! I haven’t heard this before but I’m going to try it…should be easy to test.
On the idea of a link that points back to the home page…so if I understand it…each post / page has a link back to your home page but with different anchor text. So this pages is pointing to your home page with the anchor text “increase google rankings” but your previous post has a link with the anchor text reading “get indexed by google fast”. Do you know why that works?
I can understand that you are setting up lots of backlinks to your home page but with all these different keywords…what does this do that google likes so much?
I have a website that google seems to be totally confused about… I have about 50 pages on that site (it isn’t wordpress either). Google thinks it is about a very specific subject when it is a little bit broader than this one subject.
I’m just wondering what would happen if I implemented this strategy on every page…I dont’ want to screw up my traffic … but I would love to convert this PR0 site to a PR4 and get a wider audience!
Thanks for some great tips!
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 8:05 am
Hi IT Consultant,
I know the linking to the home page is a strange concept, especially with the anchor of the page you on linking from, but with some things in SEO, they simply don’t make sense, but testing is what you have to go by. At the end of the day this is what I found to work well, but it’s just my opinion, which is shared by other SEO people I know.
thanks matt, good stuff. Just one thing, when you say link to an authority site, obviously you mean not through an affiliate link like to amazon or something, right?
Super, well laid out informative content Matt. Thanks so much for sharing your expertise. Much appreciated!
I had no idea about linking to authority for outbound links even after all the backlink courses I’ve bought and got for free like yours were never mentioned. Thanks a bunch Matt!
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 8:02 am
Hey Buy Lobster Online,
You only need to link to authority sites from the sidebar or footer of the site, not from the article itself.
Your tips really makes sense specially when you mention using your keyphrase as anchor text and link it to your home page. I’ve been doing that and it confirm my understanding.
Thanks for sharing the SEO tips Matt! I always find them very helpful and again appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us!
Sometimes we think of SEO as hard work which is difficult to master, but it really isn’t, as you simply point out, Matt. Thanks.
Hi Matt
Did you mean to use the phrase “meta Tags” when talking about all in one seo ? You might have but I thought that meta tags meant something else?
I also dont see any mention of H2 tags ? again i might easily be missing something. Only been at this for 6 months (pretty much flat out).
Santhosh Kumar the great thing about putting links in the side bars and footer is the “juice leak” is much much lower than in the main body of your article.so its a sound idea. Its also logical for a spider to find a way out of your site to an authority site.
You really are providing loads of great info and I’d encourage everybody to sign up for the video coaching series at the top of the page its excellent.
Steve Wyman
Matt: Thanks. Your article is awesome and I am surprised it’s free info. I have implemented most of what you have and have had great success getting my sites to page 1, but little success getting them above the fold. There are 4 subtle points you make in your article I haven’t considered and I am excited about implementing immediately. You rock…
Very good post, I’ll try this and see what happen. I’ll always come to your blog when I receive good tips like this one. Thanks again.
Hello Matt,
Do you recommend linking with anchor text to our main
page(s) on both the sidebar and in a contextual link in our article? Would you do this for every page on your website?
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 8:01 am
Hi Jonathan
Thats a good question, and I think linking to the main page from the article itself is more important, but to be honest I can’t 100% sure on that, I’ll have to look into this one.
Matt, Thanks again for a great and helpful post!
To get a PR4 in 4 weeks there must be some good inbound links that he has access to as well. A list of blogs, other personal sites on other servers…What do you think Matt?
Thanks again Matt, another simple but very important part of SEO and improving your ranking.
Your free wordpress theme and plug in is great and pretty versatile, it maybe the only theme I use from now on. I can’t believe you gave it to away, I’m sure it cost you a lot to design.
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the great advice. Can you tell me what font size H1 and H3 are? For wp blogs, I’m not sure how to get an H1 or H3 tag.
Thanks again.
Excellent tips Matt, thanks much. Most always learn at least one new valuable tip from you every time!
Thanks for the great tips, i have read most of them in your courses. It is so nice for your share them for free.
1. What do you mean by “anchor text linking back to the very page its on. ” as is in the first comment ?
2. How do you do “All I do is add half a dozen links to authority sites that are useful to the visitor, but don’t make these links that obvious. “?
It will be cool if you could explain these ? It will be even better if there is a video?
Have you taught this in Mark’s course?
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 7:59 am
Hi Nav
Just take a look at how I did this post and you will see what I mean by your questions. The links I use are in the sidebar also.
Awesome tips, most of them look simple buy many people dont realise the power of them unless they really implement them. Anyhow i got email from Mark ling about you and i think you and Mark are two people i respect who are not making internet a junk yard like other IM’s.
Great post. It’s very helpful. While I was doing some SEO research I read that meta tags are important. Are they? I know things change alot with SEO. Was this just a little outdated advice?
Thanks Matt! I appreciate the info. I have incorporated it into my most recent blog posting. You provided a couple of ideas I had not seen before.
Sorry about the last post. I’m not really sure what meta tags are, but when I reread your post I see it’s a combination of everything you explained kind of? Are H1 and H3 the meta tags?
Hey Matt,
Good, solid info as usual. And indeed there´s always a nugget to be found even though I´ve been investigating into SEO quite a lot these weeks I´ve never come accross the keyword link that links back to the very same post – odd, but SE are odd at times indeed!
Two more things that are of importance when optimizing your posts are creating a xml-site map (fairly easy with a wp-plugin, I think it is called xml-sitemap generator) and also use a robotext file to tell the bots where and where not to go.
I am currently working on a soon to be released [FREE] on-page SEO report that´ll cover all these things in much more details. I´ll make sure to let you and your readers know as soon as it is finished.
Keep the good stuff coming
Helpful post Matt. Thanks for the reminders. How about posting a related you tube video on the page as well? Doesn’t that also help? Also, you never mentioned H2 tags. If the title of my page is an H1 tag what should the sub titles further down on the page be? Would the first subtitle be an H2 tag and the second subtitle be an H3 tag and so on–or should all sub tiles be the same type of H tag?
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 7:57 am
Hey Caregiver,
Yes you can use a Youtube video, but you have to be careful what video, as they can really hurt the conversions of the page if the video is weak or has other URL’s for the traffic to visit. As for H2 tags, I am finding H1 and H3 are more effective, and most SEO companies I know are doing this, not 100% sure why either, but I go with what works.
Hi Matt!!
I have to say this blog post is just AWESOME!!
I’m from Peru, and even though is a LatinAmerican conuntry, I like to follow people like Frank Kern, Russell Brunson, John Reese, Yaro Starak and others “gurus” on the internet marketing arena.
They’re all great, BUT I have to tell you that even I follow this guys from a long, looong time ago, I haven´t seen such a helpful information like the one you just gave us in this post.
Seriously… You rock man!!
Thanks again!!
I friend from Peru. Jorge Luis
Thanks Matt. Just curious whether or not H2 tags serve any purpose in all of this. I was testing out your theme with a site of mine, but a title was too long for an H1 tag, so I switched it to H2. Thanks again for a great post!
Thanks for the tips. I wasn’t aware of the H1 and H3 recommendations or the bold and italics thing. I’ll start doing those.
You’re absolutely right about being able to get good rankings without putting all the emphasis on back linking. I have pages ranking in the top 3 spots in Google with virtually no external links pointing to them (of course the site is 8 yrs old). And I found a couple of pages of my site I just started in June popping up at #11 (that’s #1 on page two) in Google before I did any back linking.
When I first got into Internet marketing no one had ever heard of “off-page SEO” so it was all on-page and internal linking. It’s nice to know it still works. It’s a LOT less work than submitting articles to 50 sites and trying to get 1000 back links, too.
Great stuff on the linking to the page itself with your keywords as the anchor text. I’ve been doing this the past few months myself and have noticed better results myself. Funny you mention this. Great stuff once again.
Thanks for your tips. Here are my comments and questions.
1. Meta Tags – Keywords in the keyword meta tag are ignored by Google now, not important, according to a Google Engineer’s youtube video (I don’t remember his exact wording nor have the URL now)
2. H1 and H3 Tags – why H2 tag is not mentioned here?
3. Anchor text – for long tail keyword phrase, ezinearticles.com limits to maximum 5 words in anchor text for 500-word post. So if you have a very good long tail keyword phrase to target, say, “how to lose weight by eating this food everyday” (I make up this one as an example), what would you do to the 5-word anchor text limitation? When you use anchor text to link to a page, does THAT page have to have the same anchor text or not? I don’t think so as long as that page has relevant content.
4. Internal Linking – “You can do this by having a links menu on the sidebar of your sites, which includes all the other links to all the pages on your site, using the keyword phrase that those pages are targeting”. How do you do that? The Links Widget doesn’t achieve this.
Thanks Matt.
Great Info.
I get the H1 and H3 tag thing. But what about poor old H2 tags – what’s wrong with them?
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 7:53 am
Hi Nick
To be honest I am not 100% sure, but I find that H3 seems to get more attention than H2 from testing pages, but the difference is very minor, so you can use H2 also. Perhaps someone else knows a good reason, because I know a lot of SEO companies also do H1 and H3 these days.
Thanks Matt, as always your posts are a must read for newbies and even those not so new. SEO will always be a dynamic and vital subject matter (you will ever know enough). As far as linking back to a page, This I picked up a while back while browsing around on one of the very prominent WP Themes designer’s blog. Did not think anything about it then, but he must have done it for a reason.
I have a question for you boffs. With all the plugins added to a WP Blog, many have 3-5 links and various ads attached (link ‘Pretty Links”). Do these count as links leaving your blog.
Absolutely fundamental and critical stuff – thank you Matt. Your blog is one f the very few I follow religiously – I also follow & use your tips religiously – superb!!
I guess my dream is to create a blog as good as yours .. just need to come up with a few dieas that are as good as yours too!.
What about h2 tags? Did WordPress destroy the meaning of them by using them everywhere in the sidebar titles?
Great basic seo information by the way! // Jonathan from Finland
Linking Your Keyword Phrase ; Matt I hate to seem like a dummy on this one. But could you explain how to do this ? Not sure I understand what you mean when you say create a link on my page or link to myself.
All of this is so unnatural for me. I don’t WANT to make my headlines SEO-speak. I want to write my headlines the way I want to. I don’t WANT to have to think about keywords and do all that meta-tagging stuff, not to mention the internal linking. Sometimes I think I should just get my keywords lined up (start there, NOT with an article idea, heaven forbid) and just pull a few words out of thin air and throw them together to make something that looks like an article to go with it.
Don’t mine me, just having a little temper tantrum. Great article, Matt. And I can see I’m not the only one who appreciates your very generous high-quality content.
You have made it so convenient by putting the list all in one spot for us to check off on and I love that, thank you.
I have to agree about the keyword linking to the very page the reader is reading. I have been patterning my sites with a site I found that is PR4 and less than 1 year old and only has about 30 backlinks, and shows up in the top 3 of google. I figured he was doing something right and I might as well copy the style. Linking a page to itself is one of the things he does.
When I put that code you mentioned in the custom structure location it saved it like this /:/%category%/%postname%/
Hope thats OK
BTW- I installed your WP theme..WOW amazing
Thanks a lot
Stacy, There is no fixed font size for H1, H2 or H3 tags, it entirely depends on what WordPress theme you are using and what size the creator of the theme decided to use.
As for using H tags, all you need to do is select ‘Heading 1’, ‘Heading 2’, ‘Heading 3’ etc from the Format dropdown in the the WordPress editor.
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 7:50 am
Thanks Peter, you made some great contributions to this post, much appreciated and hope to hear from you again soon,
Paul, you need to loose the /: at the beginning of your custom structure.
It should look like
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the quality info. There is a lot of garbage out there and some are even entertaining to read. Some just plain insult your intelligence, as I am sure you are aware of. But your angle is unique and refreshing. You are actually trying to help people like myself get something going for added income and hopefully going full time The stuff you give away is helpful and following you has made a difference in keeping me focused on the right path. Looking forward to sharing results soon.
Thank you Matt. You always give away gems of knowledge.
Wow, excellent. I did not know almost any of that and the stuff I was iffy about if I was doing it right is now confirmed! Yay. Thanks.
hi Matt.
I do enjoy reading your posts and find the content really valuable!
Just when I thought I was making some headway re. SEO you pop up with a few more gems I didn’t know about!
Thanks for the advice and help!
Sherry 😉
Hi Matt
Excellent post, I’m going to make this into a one page ‘Matt’s SEO Checklist Sheet’ (yes, geek at heart!) so that I can do one for each post to make sure I’ve got everything in there.
Very interesting about the linking the keyword phrase to the homepage and to the post itself. Had never heard that one.
Re the H1 tags, this is the biggest suckky factor (pretty much the only suckky factor!) with WordPress ie: that your heading is an H2 tag.
I found this very cool hack for it here: http://www.getwordpressed.com/seo/h1-hack-for-wordpress-pages/
but I use WooThemes Fresh News on my site and just haven’t managed to get it working with that theme although has worked a treat with other themes.
How do you handle H1 tags with WP?
And, as ever, thanks heaps for your amazing content 🙂
Interesting about the seo – just wondering if anyone has ever found that it can make difference using posts versus pages in WP – do having categories and tags influence rankings at all?
Any opinions?
As always I thank you Matt for great advise. I’m off to complete the checklist. Hope it moves me up from #7 to…#2?
Thanks again,
Thanks so much Matt for your informative help. I have been following you for months, now. And have never been disappointed – there’s always something new to learn! Keep up the great help – I appreciate it greatly!
Hi Matt,
Great post and well covered. With the outbound links, I end the link with a “_blank” to open the outbound link in a new window so my website can remain open in the back end when my visitor wants to return to my page. This is helpful not to loose that visitor.
Keep up the great work and keep well.
Hey Matt,
Another great and succinct post into top on page seo strategy. I use a plug in named SEO Pressor which helps me to ‘seo’ my site on each post – it uses similar tactics including ‘alt text’ for images, tags, but also includes and tags aswell.
You should also make outgoing links ‘nofollow’ aswell according to SEO Pressor, is this something that you agree on?
Anyway, thanks for another great post.
Kind regards,
Chronic Tinnitus
Thanks!! I can use all the meta tags tips I can get.!!!
Hey Matt great post I only signed up to your email service yesterday and already you have given more away than some so called guru’s.
I have been doing an experiment of my own for about three weeks to see if I could raise my rank and it is working like gang buster my rank was quite low last year with a page rank of one but since the new google changes it went to 2mil with no page rank now since my experiment started three weeks ago my rank has gone down to 979,918 and dropping I will keep you informed how it progresses in the future.
And look forward to all your great tips.
Hey Matt
What would we do without YOU!!
Thanks a lot
hi matt
Have just started building wordpress sites with mark ling’s affilojet and found you through his site.Great information and will make sure I implement what you recommend.Keep up the good work you have a permanent folder for your links in my inbox.
Matt, would just like to say thanks again for all of your help. The biggest problem I am having is building quality one way links to my sites. I do an awful lot of blog commenting, while doing my best to keep the comments targeted and on topic, this works well, but is extremely time consuming.
If you have a post on your blog somewhere that would shed some light on that topic, I would be a very happy man.
Thanks again for all that you do, I wish you the best.
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 11:33 am
Hi Rob
My honest advice to you is not focus on blog commenting as much and I would also not worry about relevancy either, you will just find it too hard to compete.
I’ve heard that it’s not a good idea to have too many internal links on you home page. It’s better to have a link that links to another page that has more internal links.
Not sure about this.
This is one of the most helpful post I’ve read in a long while.
Online SEO has never been something I got into very much but I can see how important it can be. It’s often the little things that make a difference.
Thank you Matt. I have been disappointed trying to find answers to my queriesin the AlInOne SEO forums, and here you are stepping everything out for us in a nice orderly fashion! The IM industry needs more people like you! More kudos to you.
Thanks MAtt for an informative post. I am a little confused about inbound links and out bound links. Which are the most important? also how do you link back to your own page?
Hi Matt,
Got to you through Traffic Travis recommendation and glad I clicked the link! You mention ‘link to your homepage’ – in a WordPress blog does this mean a link back to http://www.yoursite.com or to the first post or the main sticky? – each post has a url which is the homepage?
BTW I paid 1000’s for the info you have here for free – thanks – I’m a new regular!
I know you say to use H1 and H3 tags. What about H2 tags?
Angela, this is in response to your question:
*Linking Your Keyword Phrase ; Matt I hate to seem like a dummy on this one. But could you explain how to do this ? Not sure I understand what you mean when you say create a link on my page or link to myself.*
First, don’t ever think asking a question makes you seem like a dummy. This is how we all learn. And chances are, when you ask a question there is someone else who is wondering the same thing so you are helping others too not just yourself.
And the great thing about Matt’s blog is, it is such a comfortable environment for learning.
Second, your question.
What you need to do is say you have a post called Playing with Puppies, somewhere in your post create a link using the keywords “playing with puppies” and when clicked it will bring the person back to your post page. Also create an anchor text link so that when clicked will take the person back to your main home page.
Question Angela: do you know how to create links in your posts or did you just not understand how to make the links Matt was referring to?
Thanks Matt for an awesome check list. I just started a new site today with your WP theme and I am on my way there now to implement these techniques. Thanks!
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the great SEO tips! You mention including the keyword in the H1 and H3 tags. I have it in the H2 rather than H3 tag – will that make a difference?
Anchor text linking back to the very page its on is an interesting idea which I’ll try.
I”m also a student of Mark Ling and have been following you for a while.
Keep up the great work!
When looking for link partners don’t just link with websites that have a page rank of 4 or higher. Link with anyone and everyone you get a chance to. If you link to someone that has a page rank of zero, this will not hurt your page rank. It will only increase it because you are getting a link back to your website. Google doesn’t look at your back links page ranks to determine what yours is going to be. It simply looks at how many back links you have. This google page rank can be learn in all online marketing coaching.
That was a cool tips…..When looking for link partners don’t just link with websites that have a page rank of 4 or higher. Link with anyone and everyone you get a chance to. If you link to someone that has a page rank of zero, this will not hurt your page rank. It will only increase it because you are getting a link back to your website. Google doesn’t look at your back links page ranks to determine what yours is going to be. It simply looks at how many back links you have. This google page rank can be learn in all online marketing coaching.
Hi Matt
Many many many many thanks for all your tips, like you said there were ones in there that I didnt know about but Im sure will greatly improve my on page SEO . Im always very grateful for any information that you provide as I know it is quality content. I look forward to ranking highly in google real soon !!
Thanks for this Matt. I am looking to raise the profile of my charity fundraising site. I can now use your tips to do this. I will add the keyword links to my previous posts.