In the video below I have demonstrated an some important affiliate marketing keyword research techniques that will ensure you are choosing keywords that will make you good money for longterm. Hope you guys enjoy!
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In the video below I have demonstrated an some important affiliate marketing keyword research techniques that will ensure you are choosing keywords that will make you good money for longterm. Hope you guys enjoy!
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Hey Matt
Great video 🙂 When you mentioned Google Trends I was thinking of the hourly hot trends then realized you were talking about the Google Insights page that I was thinking of.
Who would have thought that New Zealand would be hot for the “ab circle pro” product! 😉 I’ve used this data many times for analyzing niches and it has kept me out of trouble many times. I do recommend testing though (as I’m sure you do) because we know that this data, though excellent most of the time, can be off…
This method for sure is a way to focus more on profitable products and niches so thanks for sharing and reminding people like myself about how much is available to us.
The data did bring up a question though. Since you are known as a master of organic rankings, how would you suggest to naturally rank for this keyword highly in the country of New Zealand to capitalize on the regional interest. I know that hosting the domain in the home country helps as well as using the country domain extension works as well…am I going too far? Haha..your insights would be super helpful.
Thanks again
Matt Carter Reply:
December 16th, 2010 at 10:11 am
Hey Mark
yeah everything you said is spot on, I would also add that you should try and gets links from other domains, this will also help.
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the video. I’ve used Google trends for niche research but that’s a nice twist of using to sorta back up search results.
Great tip for not chasing downward trends. 🙂
Thanks for the overview Matt. I learned about this one the hard way by targeting a niche that was extremely popular but on the downward trend.
If I had known about trend researching at the time, I would have never gotten into that niche. Lesson learned! I hope your readers take away a great message from this.
As always, thanks for the great content!
– Devin
Matt Carter Reply:
December 16th, 2010 at 10:09 am
Hey Devin
You’re not the only one mate, I’ve done it before also, never a nice thing to go through.
Matt, I always enjoy all your tips you give us. I use Market Samurai which I found very good, though I use Google Keywords itself too.
Wherever I see your video I open GKTool and follow your advice. It is always good to use something additional. MS is quite expensive for most of people, and we want people to spend at the beginning as less as possible until they(we) make some money. Isn`t it 🙂 Thanks
Thanks for that tip, Matt. I hadn’t clicked on that little button before, but I can see that with a product name keyword this can be pretty helpful!
Your tips are always very helpful, and we appreciate them. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for the info.
I appreciate these kind of search marketing tips that you pass onto us. It’s also the kind of information that is so important for good SEO results that I try to get across to clients who a lot of the time, don’t know about these kind of techniques or understand the importance of them.
Again your insight is greatly appreciated!
Great informative video as usual Matt. Made my first affiliate sale a few days ago, so following your methods do work:-)
Thanks Matt, to the point as usual. This is not something I had ever thought to do, of course I see the usual trends graph column and take a rough idea from it, but as for going in and having a proper look? Not me, well it wasn’t me, but now I will, thanks again.
Thanks for all the great information. I really appreciate the hints like SEO Spyglass and the wordpress theme’s.
Thanks again.
Good Post! I personally don’t use this a whole lot but, will in the future. The niche(s) I’m in tend to go up and down due to economic times and the seasons. Once again, Thanx, and keep up the good work! Don
Thanks for the advice. Any help with keyword research is a great help.
Hey Matt
How simple but how important. This will certainly help wasting a lot of work on something on the downslope. I never would have known!
I imagine you should use this technique on current sites as well to make sure you aren’t wasting time and resources on the wrong sites.
Appreciate your insight as always
Matt, thanks for this tip! I was not aware of that trends button being on this keyword tool. This is a big help. Another great post.
Very good points Matt and Amazon sales and conversion rates explode every Christmas – important to keep in mind if you are using an IPK-type strategy.
great tips -all the tools are there – we just need to use them in the correct fashion and analyse all the relevant data1
Good video, but I really want to thank you for the webinar replay on niche markets. Excellent content!
great video
I think trends are very under researched by most IMers.
Thanks for reminding us how important this area really is.
Thank you Matt, I have learned ones but forget about the trends.
Thanks for the info on looking at the ‘trends’ when doing research. It was most appreciated.
Happy Holidays to all!
Oooooh I must say I would have never even considered the trends of a niche had I not seen this. It just wouldn’t have crossed my mind, so another tedious and possible frustrating facet added to the already time consuming effort to find niches where you can make money, and I don’t say this out of belligerence for the information you just gave us, because the other side of the coin is that you could have not told us this, and we would have went to all the trouble in putting a niche site together and watch it not make any money which would have been a worse hell. Paul
Great post as usual Matt – if I’d known about Gtrends, I’d forgotten. That’s the penalty of too much information too quickly, you just can’t remember it all. That’s what makes these short tips so useful! 🙂
Thanks a lot,
Matt, your posts are always great. This time I learned about how to see the trends. In Austris there is 0 search for lots of keywords during summer months and Christmas vacation.
Have done thousands of searches with Google Keywords and never once clicked on that symbol. Silly me! Will check all the time now. Great tip. Thanks so much.
Thanks matt,vary helpful.
Great info as always Matt. Hadn’t seen the use of the “trends” tool before – very useful. Thanks!
Best to you,
What an awesome tip you gave your readers! I love these little tidbits, they are like finding a little golden nugget! I am certainly going to go right now and put this to good use.
-Fertility Helper
Awesome Matt,
I always follow your niche ideas espcially from and for CWS, and this is another great idea for research! Just awesome tips again and I’ll end up staying up all night again trying these out!
Hi Matt
As usual, really useful stuff.
Thanks very much
Thank you Matt…
I always learn something new from your posts.
Appreciate your knowledge and willingness to share.
Take good care.
I haven’t done much keyword research but it’s on my project list. 🙂 I’ve got Market Samurai and your post has demonstrated the importance of watching the trend. I shall look out for that now, and not just rely on raw data. Thanks for the tip Matt. 8)
yes this is a very interesting point and also with this stuff you can get more information for the most searches keyword and country with the particular niche. So you do not have to target USA always as some niche is highly needed in India and Japan only for example.
Matt keep up the good work!
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the great tip. I was thinking about some research with this type of product that may also help.
Turn on the TV and see what products are being heavily promoted on the infomercials. Ab circle pro has been on a lot of late night TV.
The downward trend from January-November is common in a lot of diet and exercise products but if the product has a good life left, we’ll see a lot more commercials again in January – March. If there’s longevity in an infomercial, you can bet it’s a good product/niche and people will be looking online for information and reviews.
The added benefit to this type of trend research is that you can get some great copywriting ideas by listening to the infomercials! Just be sure to keep your credit card in your wallet 🙂
I am always interested of all your emails you send me-This post was of great help-As you can see by my website that I am crazy about Mini indoor helicopters-So I built a blog- keyword domain rich all based on my favorite hel Syma S107- Blog 1 Month old and doing ok-Most of the ideas and help came from your blog- Also have used your free theme on other blogs really neat theme. Please keep them coming- Have put a post on my facebook to this post as feel you really showed some great tips.Hope that was ok?
Hi there Matt,
I have just been recommended your blog from a friend. I am glad I came. Excellent content. I will certainly be recommending your site to my team, who are hugely enthusiastic about blogging.
Keyword research is essential to the pro-blogger who wants to laser focus on the right market and trends.
Best wishes
Matt Carter Reply:
December 19th, 2010 at 9:06 am
Thanks Peter!!
This is google insights Matt, but usefull all the same, cheers.
Hi Matt,
Another great post on using the Google Keyword Tool for ranking keywords in Google.
Thanks for showing everyone the usefulness of Google’s Insights for Search tool for trending analysis.
Keep up the quality work, Matt.
Local Web Marketer
Hello Matt,
thanks very much for this tip. I’ve got myself Market Samurai and use Golden Rule. I was wondering if you are also using the Market Samurai for IM?
Kind regards
Thanks for the keyword refresher. You always give us gems of information that we sometimes forget.
A possible reason for the spike in January searches for ab circle pro is New Years resolutions. Weight loss, conditioning and stop smoking products all sell a lot more in January. It would be interesting to see if it spikes again this January.
I have to add my thanks to everyone else’s, too. A great tip and I didn’t even know what the little magnifying glass icon was until now.:-) I’ll use it from now on when I do keyword research.
Thanks for the video on google trends tips for niche research! Very informative and helpful as always! I look forward to your videos and blog post and thank you for taking the time to write them and share with us! Thanks again!
Hi Matt,
Thanks. I was just about to write my content when I saw this. Checked the trend and noticed that it has dived 🙁 Turned out that there are some adverse news.
Thanks so much! If not for this, I would be wasting a lot of effort and not seeing any results.
Thanks for the heads up on using Google Trends – saved my some sweat when i start looking at physical products in the near future~
Thanks Matt:)
I notice that you do not look at the competition bar in Google Keytool?- (I may have missed something)
Is it that you look 4 search volume, and assess your comp, in PR/Links and “quote” instead?
I guess my question is, do you take into account the comp bar in Google Tool?
Hi Matt
I have the same question as Natasha, I would like to know if you take into account the Competition and if so what level of competition are we looking for.
Matt Carter Reply:
April 15th, 2011 at 4:46 pm
Hey Elly
Yes I always consider the competition for a keyword, this post was not about that though, it was about a technique for finding keywords. When I look at SEO competition I look at the On page SEO down and also the number of backlinks the competiting pages have. How hard is too hard? well that depends on how good you are at SEO
All the best
Great clear and concise info, thanks for sharing it!
Thanks for the tip Matt. it will surely help.