Hi Everyone,
In this post I will be discussing, perhaps the most important thing to get right in your internet marketing, which is writing copy for a website, and in particular writing product reviews.
You would be amazed out how many more sales you can make if you just pay attention to how you write your copy.
I find that a lot of people focus heavily on traffic generation, which is important, but they lack any clue about copy writing for niche sites, and end up making no money because of it. Below I will explain what works for me.
When I am researching a product that I know nothing about, the first thing I do is type into Google the exact keyword phrase I want to target for a particular page on my site. Then I open the top 3-5 pages in the Google results. The phrase is often a buyer keyword, such as “buy product” “product review” etc…
The reason I read the top 5 websites in Google for my phrase, is to find out what other people are writing in their copy, and I often note down common phrases that I see. My theory is that if Google are ranking these sites for this phrase, then I need to have similar words and phrases on my page.
Once I have a good idea of the common words and phrases and also have a better understanding about the topic, I will then type into Google: “keyword prhase + forum”. What I am now doing is looking for what people are saying about this product on forums. I want real feedback, the good and the bad!
The reason I like to go to forums and have a look around, is that I can find out what the biggest issues are that people are facing, and what they really think about the product I am considering promoting. If I find all the reviews on forums to be terrible, I will not promote the product.
So now that I have done my research on the topic and keyword phrase, I now want to put together my own product review. The key things that I do when writing product reviews, is I try to avoid repeating things that the product sales letter has said. Remember that if a person is searching on a review keyword, then they have already had a sales pitch and are on the search for some feedback about the product.
However I write things in a subtle way, where I am still pushing the reader towards to product, but I am not doing it so obviously. Often I see affiliate sites that just ram the product down the readers throat, and say it’s the best thing ever. Or even worse are these fictitious stories, where they say they have tried the product and worked like a miracle (not my style).
So what I do is include details about the product that are not as easy to find, and describe the benefits of the features I am describing. For example I might say this:
“Product XYZ yeast cure claims they can get rid of your yeast infection quickly with out using any nasty chemicals to do so, which is a bonus.”
I will also say things that I gathered from my research of user feedback on forums, and say: “From the extensive personal research I did into product XYZ, I found that most users claimed that it did actually make them feel more energetic and overall the product was very well received”
You could take it further and say things like: “The product seems to work great for most people, a few people, but not many, claimed the product took 8 weeks to work and not 6 like the company claim, but still that is decent”
When writing product reviews I will also mention reasons why you would want to use a product that does this in the first place. So if I stick with Yeast Cure, I would mention all the benefits of clearing yeast infections, so people are more encouraged to get going and start a it immediately, which should, if the rest of the copy is done well, mean they will grab the product you are reviewing.
When I finish the product review, it’s important to have a call to action, but again do not make this a sales pitch. What I do is write in a suggesting manner, for example: “If you are looking for a quality yeast infection product, I think product XYZ is a good choice, as the user feedback is very positive, and what’s more the company offer a money back guarantee anyway, which is what reputable companies do.”
So there you have it, writing product reviews isn’t hard to do, but you need to make sure you think it through and put yourself in the seat of the potential customer and write what they want to read, not just another sales pitch!
All the best
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Good advice Matt. The days of cramming a product down people’s throats is long gone and still there are those out there that continue to try and do it. If you can be subtle with gentle prodding you more apt to increase your sales, and another thing that I find works is making product comparisons, why one product may be better than another, showing the differences with again a gentle prodding toward the one you are selling, or if you are able to affiliate for both of them, it is even better, if they are both pretty much on equal footing.
Matt Carter Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 11:10 am
Hey Paul
I agree, and thanks for your comment
Matt . . . your online marketing acumen reaches beyond your years. That, or you have some really good genes 🙂
“Push Marketing” is rapidly being replaced by “Pull Marketing.” People don’t want to be sold, they want to be informed.
Of the many “how to” internet marketing sites I’ve researched, yours is no doubt one of the best. Cudos on a job well done. I only just signed up for your free video lessons, and look forward to the next eleven.
I only recently went live with my site after a five year hiatus from teaching sales and marketing strategies to 50,000 MLMers over twleve years. You can get the skinny on that by reading my bio.
Great site! I look forward to spending some time on here and learning more about your services.
Kevin A. Lehmann
P.S. Matt, as an authority site on internet marketing, spend the extra minute or so to spell check before you post. It will make a difference.
Matt Carter Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 1:33 pm
Hey Kevin
Thanks for your feedback, funny thing is that I did spell check it, ha ha, my weak point is attention to detail, I hate it, but all good!
Matt whenever I read one of your posts, I always know you are going to move my online marketing skills and knowledge up a notch… with your marketing insight. I’ve been wanting to purchase Mark Ling’s “Affiloblueprint” for quite a while. I was waiting till I could easily afford it. Very soon I’m going to purchase that course from you, which I see advertised here. I’ve learned a lot about online marketing from you Matt, and that is why I want you to be the referral for my purchase of “Affiloblueprint.” Thanks!!!
Matt Carter Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 1:35 pm
Hey Joaquin,
Thanks for buying Affiloblueprint through me, that is kind of you! It is a great course and Mark Ling is a good friend of mine, you love it
Another excellent idea and strategy. I liked your 12 part series of videos so much, I am looking for more. Could you possible talk or video about Directory Submitters and these companies that charge you to submit your sites to massive amounts of directories, etc
Matt thanks for all the videos you sent to me. hey George Brown begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting traffic ultimatum i need to know if this will work for me, because i want to make money. i want to learn how to be successful on the internet!!
so thank you very much an keep me inform.
Matt Carter Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 1:36 pm
Hey James,
Yeah I think George Brown course is a good one.
Great information again. Paul said it all.
Simply a brilliant approach to generating reviews but I’ve got to ask. Do you spruce up your grammar before you publish, or is there a mind trick of trying to come down to some ‘everyman’ level? Although I’m certainly as guilty as the next guy, I do try very hard to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. It really bothers me when I see poorly written copy and have always wondered how much of it was intentional. I’m sure you can settle the question for me.
Thanks Matt.
Your no-nonsense approach in revealing what works is refreshing. From one fellow aussie affiliate marketing guy to another.
You have my utmost respect 🙂 I have learnt many things from you and your blog and some day… I hope to create a blog that is as informative as yours … some day, one day 😉 thanks once again mate.
Well written Matt, concise and to the point – just like the review should be. Interesting question by “J” just above…
I think some marketers DO do it on purpose.. They seem to want to promote themselves as Everyman or “one of the guys”, you know the type of thing… “I’m just a simple dork like you..”
Personally bad grammar would put me off. Firefox tells you whether a word is correct or not anyway with the red underline….
thanks again Matt
Matt Carter Reply:
March 27th, 2010 at 10:36 am
Hey Russell
Thanks for your feedback, great to hear from you
Thanks Matt for all your help and consideration. I would want to know a “true” review when doing review search for a product. Honesty is the best!
Looking forward to your e-mails,
Linda M.
Hey Matt
This article is very timely….. I am just about to start writing some product reviews for my site: http://leanbodyignition.com and have been reluctant to just do the same thing as everyone else (i.e. same old crap). Thanks for the hints, tips and sound advice — I will be taking some time to start implementing these one-by-one.
Dave G
Matt Carter Reply:
March 29th, 2010 at 7:23 am
Hey Dave
Hope your new site reviews go well for you!
Hi Matt
Thanks so much for your extremely useful posts. Also the videos which were top notch & I still refer back to them. You are one of the BEST marketers on the net. By the way I am also very impressed with the simplicity of your Blog. Would you mind revealing on which site creator you built it, please.
From a close neighbour in New Zealand. At least we can boast Mark Ling!
Thanks again
Val A
Matt Carter Reply:
March 29th, 2010 at 7:26 am
Hey Val
All my family live in NZ so I know the place well!! To answer your question I didn’t use a site builder for my blog, I instead paid someone to build it to the specifications I wanted. If you are serious about a site this is a good option, otherwise you can just use free wordpress themese, which I also do.
Matt. In one simple page you have shown me why I am getting a good click thru rate (20% on one article) 11% over all (EzineArticles), and not making any sales. My “review”pages are just too damn sales-pitchy.
Thank you for the service you offer.
Matt Carter Reply:
March 29th, 2010 at 7:22 am
Hey Don,
Glad to be of service to you! Hope your conversions are better soon
Hi Matt
Thank you for sharing useful tactics for writing product reviews.
I always promote only products that I used myself. For this reason I never looked for information at forums. However, I think your approach is very effective. It will give me a combination of opinions about product and completed review.
Irina Overy
Matt Carter Reply:
April 4th, 2010 at 1:45 pm
Hey Irina
great to hear from you on the blog, and I think your approach is excellent of recommending products you have tried, can be a bit tough to do this for everything out there, but I think it is great what you are doing
Hi Matt
I had a look at some of the top sites in my niche and one didn’t even have the keyword in it but it was ranked 2nd how is that? does it have a crazy amount of links or something???
Matt Carter Reply:
April 4th, 2010 at 1:47 pm
Hey Darren
It is hard for me to comment because I don’t know the keywords that you are referring to, however I have noticed that even if a page does not have the exact keyword on the page and in the meta tags etc…but does have a close version of the keyword, they do still rank well, and can be tough to beat if they have a lot of back links.
Hope that helps
Hey Matt,
I have been enjoying your 12 videos, Thanks
My biggest stumbling blocks is writing content, your detailed description of the process before u start writing brought it home for me.
Thank you
Shlomo Krudo
Matt Carter Reply:
April 11th, 2010 at 6:58 pm
Hey Shlomo
Glad to help you out, and hope your sites are going well
WOW so simple, yet so powerful.
Well I clicked here expecting to see a review of writing products. But it was well worth a visit anyway. I find it useful to describe the product in action as a way to showing benefits.
BTW how do you unearth “details about the product that are not as easy to find”.
Matt Carter Reply:
May 5th, 2010 at 1:07 am
Hey Sergie
Thanks for stopping by,
Forums is the best way to find out information about a product, and what people are saying about it
Thanks for all of the great FREE training you provide for us. You’re doing a super job. I purchased your Rapid Rewriter, and love it.
I would really appreciate you having a look at my new website/blog. Please click on the “Reviews” category and take a look at the review I wrote for an affiliate product. I’d really appreciate having your feedback regarding what I’ve written and if you think I need to change anything.
Thanks again!
Amazing Matt ! I love it. Thanks for sharing such a valuable information.
Kiaora Matt,
We are enjoying following your 12 videos and your blog. Many thanks for your integerity. slowly but surely things are making more sense.
My partner and I started Mark Lings Affiloblueprint last month which is progressing however, since Mark has introduced you to us through one of his emails, we have purchased your Rapid Rewriter package which is fantastic.
Cheers dude
Matt Carter Reply:
May 16th, 2010 at 10:50 am
Hey Floyd
Nice to hear from you and hope things are well for you in New Zealand. I am heading over there in Dec for a holiday to see
my family and catch up with Mark Ling.
Chat soon
Wow!! LOVED your idea about using forums for gathering information— total golden nugget, thank you!! What if you’re thinking of promoting a product that really doesn’t have anything being said about it in forums… would u still promote it?? Suppose it depends on all the other key factors 🙂
And REALLY APPRECIATED your call to action example… i’m hoping to write my first article this weekend and i’m thankful for your example to use to model after!!
Thanks so much Matt!!
Hi Matt,
Just wanted to tell you that I’m now able to write product reviews quickly with your wonderful ideas. They are turning out well too. I’m very happy with the outcome.
The best part is that I once used to be averse to writing reviews the reason being very simple– I did not know how to write reviews!! It consumed a lot of my time too just because I didn’t like doing the work. Now I just love writing any product review.
Can’t thank you enough Matt for sharing such simple yet invaluable info.
excellent as usual…
Thanks Matt
This is real good clear cut information. Best sales tips, I have a bit of rewriting to do !
Thanks Buddy
Hello Matt, Nice idea for search. thanks
Glad to see that there’s a way to write credible reviews, promote sales (after all, positive promotion only comes *after* a value-adding selection process, doesn’t it), and be real; all without actually having to purchase and test a lot of products every day.
I’m new to affiliate product reviews, and just relieved you can sell without all of those annoying spammy things. Thanks for sharing!
G’day Matt,
It has all been said – concise, understandable, empathetic even! A great help.
Thanks for your integrity of purpose it is rare (unfortunately) in this business,
Great advice for a newbi like me thanks Matt
Hi Matt,
That was a wonderful piece..but being a new to this area, I would like you to answer my simple question as in where can I put the prduct reviews of my new web application. Generally some of the forums ban product reviews as they assume it to be product advertising. Please help.
Matt, great post. It can be challenging to not get overly zealous on an affiliate page! Great advice in offering a slightly weighted, but more subtle approach to match the right buyer with the right product.
Hi Matt,
You did not relate to a few important topics –
1. If I want to establish credability – I need to say what I didnt like about the product as well – dont I? I mean, nothing to improve? sounds strange…but then, i am afraid “to shoot my own leg” sort of speak…what is the balance?
2. How long can it be? i failed miserably with too elaborate reviews – i now arranged it so the bottom line is at the top, then the pro and the “need to improve”, then my general notes and then the technical parts – the format, the price etc.
3. Comparison table? you didnt mention that one either.
4. And last but not least – once they are done reading teh reviews – what should the button to the merchant say in order to be effective? “yes i want to read more? take me to the merchant’s website? for further details?
Thanks alot and good work!!!
Matt Carter Reply:
March 22nd, 2011 at 7:56 am
Hi Karen
As far as a negative aspect in your review, you should just say something that want effect that many people too badly, and also as far as length, no more than 900 words. You don’t need a comnparison table, and as for the link just say anything that is a call to action, “click here for the best deals on…”
You are absolutely right Matt. Most of the times people forgot searching the web site using proper keywords or might be they are unaware of it. If you search with proper keywords the Google always provides good SERP results. Forums will help you in finding out best reviews of any products that customer going to purchase.
Another missing piece to my puzzle found.
i never thought the review will be this easy.
thanks again matt
Thanks Matt, I purchased your new course Rapid Profit Formula and as you know you do go through writing reviews in great detail. Yet, I still find new and useful information from checking up on your blog weekly. I am continuing to finish your Rapid course and I am happy to report I did make my first sell within two weeks. Thank you so much for sharing so much free information is as been great help for organizing Sensibledogs.com.
Matt, Great information. I can see from your contact info that you live in Chelsea, Melbourne? I am from Clayton, Melbourne myself, currently living in Hong Kong and just started my internet marketing journey. Thanks for your useful information which has been very helpful for me. Keep up the good work.
Great post Matt. I like to write my reviews in sections. Pro: What i liked about the product, Cons: What i disliked about the product, and The Verdict. With the pros, i list as many benifits as posible. i also enjoy doing alil story telling (DO NOT GET THIS CONFUSED WITH WRITING A FAKE REVIEW). I explain to the buyer how the product helps and benifits me. Listing cons are important because it provides you with a more “trust worthy” feel and look. Now if there isnt any cons, i make sure to explain this to the buyer. With my verdict, i finish explaining how this product benifits me in my day to day life. You should test every item you review, but if not make sure you do your research on the product you choose to promote so that you can know your market and provide your readers with what the wanna read. Enjoy!
Great post. You clearly have an solid grip regarding product reviews, both what entices customers to buy products and what drives producers to offer products for review. Keep up the good work!
Hey Matt,
I want to thank you for all the great info on your site.
What do you think of the idea that when doing a product review I include a short review of 3 or 4 competitors also, but do not compare them to the product I’m promoting.
Actually this is what I was told to do, but I’m finding it awkward, and would rather not do it that way.
Thank you!
Matt Carter Reply:
September 6th, 2011 at 7:21 am
Hi Robert
Not exactly sure what you are referring to here, but just write yoru reviews as balanced as you can and avoid making up ficticious characters like so many bogus sites do.
All the best