If you are reading this post then the headline worked! You see the job of the headline is intrigue the reader to want to find out more and read the rest of the text, or start to anyway.
Today I want to share with you the number 1 reason that I see, that stops people making big commissions online, and that is
Whether you are an affiliate marketer, selling products on E-Bay, or even drop shipping products, it doesn’t matter as it’s all the same when it comes to persuading your website visitor to do what you want them to do when they arrive on your website.
So I have added this post as a guide to what I have experienced to be good copy writing that sells!
I see a lot of sales, squeeze, landing pages etc…with less than impressive copy and let me tell you that it drastically effects your conversions.
You can have the best product in the world but if your copy writing is lousy then no one will know it’s the best, and in turn people will NOT purchase off you.
In the realm of the internet, although video and audio is playing a much bigger role these days, copy writing is still essential and always will be.
For example, no one is going to want to watch your video or listen to your audio if your headline doesn’t do it’s job of persuading people to do so.
I haven’t got the time to go into all the aspects off copy writing but I will share some useful tips with you that I have found work.
Tip 1 : Features vs Benefits
The golden rule of copy writing is to always remember that benefits sell and NOT features. It is very easy to slip into the trap of telling your potential buyer all the great features that your product has. However this is where I see most people fall down.
You see you can still get the message across of what’s in your product and what your product does but you MUST explain this in a beneficial way.
Let’s take an example…If I am selling a ResaleXfactor resale rights interview, I could say the following features that are in an interview:
-learn Google Adwords Now!
-Understand Link Building For SEO
-Find Out The Best Web 2.0 Sites On The Internet
Or I could say it this way
-Double Your Profits With Google Adwords Tricks
-Land On The Front Page Of Google With Expert Link Strategy
-Open The Flood Gates To FREE Traffic With Web 2.0 Secrets.
I have explained the same features in both examples but I have added the benefit of the feature in the second lot of examples.
Tip 2 : Headlines
The job of the headline is to catch the readers attention, and to do this super fast. Each word in the headline plays a crucial role, therefore there is no room for just throwing in filler text.
I have seen some good, bad and down right terrible headlines in my time, and some of them have been with big companies too…
The key to a good headline is that you must have a hook in it. By this I mean something that entices the reader to find out more about what you just told them.
By creating curiosity or connecting with the customer in some way they are more likely to read the rest of your copy, well maybe not all, as each section of the copy has to pull its weight.
Let’s take an example of weight loss:
“Discover How I Lost 112 Pounds In 4 weeks Without Dieting!”
An over weight person that has been struggling for years to lose weight might just want to find out how to accomplish this amazing feat.
Here’s another one:
“Who Else Wants To Earn $573 A Day On Autopilot?”
The words ‘who else’ in this example indicate to the reader that there has been successful customers before them. This subconsciously reassures the reader.
However you must be careful to be honest, and not over promise, because if the reader thinks “no way too good to be true…” then the headline backfires..
Here’s an extreme example:
“I Made 6 million Dollars In 24 hrs By Doing Nothing And You Can To”
Along with the hook make sure you remember the golden rule that benefits sell and not features.
Some of the worst headlines that I have seen online and offline is where the headline contains the companies details and name. No one really cares what your company is called and where your are based, what they do want to know is what you can do for them.
Here’s an example of a bad headline from an insurance company
(I will use xyz instead of actual company name)
“XYZ Insurance, Offers The Best Policies In Cleveland”
This headlines does not have a hook, and wastes words on useless information. This may work better as a tag line on a logo but NOT as a headline.
Tip 3 : Telling A Story
I have found this technique works best when writing sales copy. What you are trying to do here is teach the visitor to your website something that will benefit them and that they may not know already.
The best way to do this is describe a particular problem that is directly related to your niche, and then further stir up this problem, and finally deliver the solution, which of course ties directly into your products benefits.
Here’s an example for you…
Let’s say I am selling a product in the dating niche. The product may be an e-book on how to meet woman and date them.
The problem that you describe maybe how a person (male, and preferably a real person), has always struggled to get women to like him.
However then you agitate the story further by explaining that no matter what books he has read and advice he has listened to he still just can’t find a girl that likes him.
This guy may have been to courses and seminars for all I know, but still can’t figure out what he is doing wrong.
After many months, perhaps years of struggling and failing he finally discovered the solution, which is ….your product…that is of course if your products does work, honestly is always the best policy, that’s one of my own golden rules.
That’s all for now, in the next email I will discuss the concept of personality types, objection handling and power words.
Until next time,
Bye for now,
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This is really good stuff. I have put some if these stuff into practice and it works! Thanks for sharing this secrets.
i have always found this the mystery, how do i communicate the right message. I have found this to be good advice mat..
good, solid, practical wisdom that when applied make sense. I am finding your blog very helpful..
Love the features and benefits – too true!!
Hey Matt,
I see you recommend Affiloblueprint.
Are you familiar with Niche Profit Classroom?
Matt Carter Reply:
August 6th, 2009 at 10:52 am
Hey Pete,
Yeah I am actually friends with the creator of Niche Profit Classroom, Alen Sultanic, I have recently run a promotion for this product as I think it is a very good product. They did a $1 promotion for the launch, but it could be over now…if you do want it you may still be able to get it but not for the $1 trial. I have 3 bonus packs left , so if you are interested you can grab one here if you want: http://www.mattsmarketingblog.com/2/niche-profit-classroom-bonuses.html
Thanks for the comment!!
i did all the mistakes you mentioned and now i will never make those ever again
Thank you
Hi Matt,
Honesty is such a simple and beautiful word.
May the force be with you.
I’m not good at copy writing and wanted to know if you could recommend a reasonably good copywriter/ghostwriter that English is their first language (or at least writes professionally).
Thanks for your help.
Matt Carter Reply:
August 16th, 2011 at 9:04 am
Hey Dan
Sorry I don’t know anyone, but Warrior forum might be a good place to ask