Hey, Matt here, I'm a full time Super Affiliate, 33 years old, and live in New Zealand with my wife and son.
The internet is a brilliant way to make money. I encourage you to sign up above and start with my free 12 part affiliate marketing video course, and follow on facebook
I’m so pleased and grateful you’re doing this – out of all the IM guys out there you’re one of the few I trust absolutely – not just to be honest but to know what you’re talking about. You’re certainly one of the most generous, so thank you.
I am wondering if you’ve considered updating the SEO Experts Academy in light of some of the changes.
Matt Carter Reply:
August 28th, 2014 at 11:14 am
Hi Susan
Thanks for your feedback.
As for SEO I dont do as much of that these days, as I focus on more stable methods of traffic, I still think SEO is great but you do need to be constantly up with the latest changes at Google which I have not been personally.
After a few years of seeing how marketers do IM marketing I developed such a dislike for their methods, the lies, OTO’s, the time clocks, getting business emails on Sundays and holidays, that when Amazon and its possibilities came to my attention, mostly through Ezra Firestone’s Amazon product launch, I thought to myself this is the way to go. I didn’t buy his program but I have been slowly eliminating people I am subscribed to, and getting this thing narrowed down to only those who do the selling of physical products and affiliate marketing, so I am very glad you are doing this. I have always enjoyed the way you do business, and I trust you which is saying a lot coming from me, so I will be looking forward to these videos and information that you provide us, and I want to thank you for doing this, as it will be well appreciated. Paul
Matt Carter Reply:
August 28th, 2014 at 12:04 pm
Thanks Paul
Hey Matt,
I was only making $200 a month when I was doing SEO. Thank you so much for your infos on ecommerce! Now I have a full time operation.
I don’t follow too much on Google seo anymore. At the moment I am focusing on pay traffic.
Anyway, thank you for everything!
Hi Matt,
Any chance of you coming up with a new training course teaching us how to sell/market physical product (like what you are sucessfully doing now)?
Hi Matt, Have you taken the video down. I have been out of action for the last two days and was unable to watch this. Husband had heart attack so would love to see this video presentation. He is fine now but a real close shave. Still in hospital but alive.
Life is truly an adventure!!!
Market research and product sourcing can be chicken and egg problem.
If you do market research first and decide to enter it, you might end up disappointed when you don’t find the right product when sourcing from China be it quality level/product safety compliance/no reliable manufacturers issue or even not be able to find the right product in China due to low variety/illegal to import due to IP etc.
You can succeed in product sourcing before entering market, but then find out that market is not viable/only physical market with no potential for info products/short trended market/lots of competition for same item etc.
It would be best to check both at the same time instead of investing time in one and later being disappointed.
Hi Matt, Thanks for the great information. Had a question will you be putting out a course on PLR your own products from beginners to being successful. I really enjoy your teaching style. I have seen other courses but have not been able to afford them. Thanks again.
Matt Carter Reply:
August 29th, 2014 at 8:58 am
I won’t be putting out any of my own courses anymore, I just dont have time to do that these days, but I will put out free videos on my blog.
Matt, you really said a mouthful about people wanting to start a business with no financial plan. So many people, myself included, have spent money on opportunities and then spent their time waiting and hoping to see a profit which never comes.
Hello Matt,
I just wanted to say thank you for the video’s. You are so down to earth and explain things so well, it’s like sitting across the table from you and just listening. Your videos are engaging, excellent advice in laymen terms and jargon free, plus they fit in very well with what I am pursuing at the moment, which is a great course put together by some great internet marketers.
Really great information that has been thoughtfully put-together. When you are starting out it is really difficult to know which direction to go in and you have a provided a systematic approach for tackling this difficult questions.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the info. I’m interested in this kind of stuff and would like to start my own brand, but not through Amazon.
p.s. Do you recommend any good courses out there? Apart from AmazingSellingMachine which is a complete rip off and the only reason everyone is promoting that is for the $1,000+ affiliate commissions. (p.s. that’s not a dig at you)
Thanks, Mia
Hey Matt Thanks for the awesome video tutorial on physical product marketing. I always get a bit excited after receiving your emails, giving us subscribers a change to tap into your genius and marketing expertise … it’s appreciated more than you know … Keep um coming please.
Seems that selling physical products utilizing the Amazon platform is where it’s at for building a profitable online business. The days of slapping up a keyword-optimized -Wordpress website with a few hundred back-links hoping to earn the coveted page 1 placement on the Goggle search empire is over. We can all dwell on the good ole days when that worked fairly easy but not anymore. I’ve had my share of success through affiliate marketing and seo in the past, however in the last couple years, through relentless competition and the frequent updates with Google algorithm changes, this business model has all but dried up … for me anyway.
So three months ago I started selling physical products on Ebay. Although I’m not “catching the world on fire” with sales right now (Summers are slow) I’m rather pleased with the results. I think Ebay is a good way to get your feet wet … kind-of get the feel for selling physical products online, it has helped me more then I thought it would. But now I’m ready to make my presence onto the big stage … that of course being Amazon.
I was wondering what the best way to go about doing this is … and if there was a way to expedite the process a bit. I would like nothing more than to get my first Amazon campaign up and running before the soon approaching huge holiday sales season. I know how important customer, product and market research is when it comes to choosing and listing an item (as you point out in your video ). And eventually would like to white label my own products and use FBA in the near future to streamline everything. But for the time being, do you recommend just jumping right into it … signing and setting up my Amazon sellers account … and start listing some well thought out products straight away? Or is there an Amazon selling program you would recommend before even attempting it. I was reading comments on the warrior forum with a lot of experienced sellers saying how everything you really need to start selling on Amazon is right there on the Amazon site. What’s your thoughts Matt? Is it better to just dive into Amazon, like I did with Ebay and sort of list and learn as I go … maybe get a few sales under my belt and tweak as needed. Or would you recommend a different approach. I want to do it right, and in accordance with their terms and policies, but I also want to do it Now. I would hate to start off half cocked and loose my sellers account before accomplishing my goals. Any thoughts by you or my fellow readers would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Bruce