Hey everyone,
Below is a video that demonstrates how to do some very effective affiliate research for finding quality products to promote, and also how to find some great content for your review pages.
The focus of this video is on physical products for affiliate marketing, and I’m sure you’ll agree there is a lot of choice out there when you head done this path.
Watch the video and if you could be as kind to comment and rate my Youtube video, I would appreciate it!
Affiliate Research Video
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Hi Matt,
Thanks for being so willing to share info that works. I think that is what is great about your philosophy about reciprocity. Awesome tips, I plan to get into physical products and adsense one day. I do a little now with Amazon but want to ramp it up! 😉
Matt Carter Reply:
August 28th, 2010 at 4:14 pm
Hey Justin
You’re welcome my friend, I’m trying to build a community of followers that can all share ideas and so I lead the way by providing stuff I am learning. I am considering starting a forum on this domain soon actually too.
hey Matt this is awesome. When did Google start the product Search? this is the first time that I have seen it. This will be great for my woodsworking site, since I mainly promote tools.
I have been using the Amazon search already myself. It is a great way to find cool stuff.
Matt Carter Reply:
August 28th, 2010 at 4:13 pm
Hey James
Nice to hear from one of my regular blog commentors again, hope your business is going well too
Hi , thanks for the video Matt.
I didn’t even know Google had this feature . Good information
on getting content too. Very useful !
Awesome video! I think this is a tremendous ways to promote big-ticket physical products. Since most of us wouldn’t want to do a “test-purchase” on a $300+ item, this is a great way to save some time and write a great review.
Matt Carter Reply:
August 28th, 2010 at 4:12 pm
Hey Margaret
Thanks for your comment and yeah I agree this is a great way to get some content for reviews!
Hey Matt
Didn’t even know about this beta from Google.
Have to be honest, I have not tried marketing physical products, more focusing on the online or downloadable products.
Always an option I could look into one I have conquered how to market online effectively.
Sally 🙂
Matt Carter Reply:
August 29th, 2010 at 11:28 am
Hey Sally
Yeah sounds like a good idea, just stick to what you are doing now and tackle physical products later.
I’m ery. thanks for your posting. It’s really great video…!! I think many newbie affiliate marketer like me will be surprised with this great video..
How is this different from Google Shopping? It seems identical to me. Thanks for the video!
Great info Matt! Thanks a bunch.
Hi Matt,
Very generous of you to share this resource. Can we imply from this new tool that Google is relaxing its stance on affiliate marketers?
Hi Matt I do like to see your emails in my mail box , you are always bringing some good peace of information, Thank you. I have sing up yesterday for SEnuke for link building , Do you use this program or some kind similar , I do need traffic badly and planing to use it in link building , but they have poor video tutorials , so I want ask you guys maybe some one have good one? my email : teodoras35@yahoo.com
Matt Carter Reply:
August 31st, 2010 at 8:03 am
Hey Teodor
I would not use SEnuke if I were you, I tried it out for 6 months and got virtually no result with it, and I ran it very hard to, I wouldn’t bother with it to be honest. Its too expensive for what it does. You are better of getting some link builders from Odesk to build profile links and blog and forum commenting.
Hi Matt,
Another good video and the google tool is perfect for writing reviews.
Here are 2 other links I found for research (not only products but maybe
to get ideas).
Best regards,
Hi Matt,
Many thanks for sharing the video, I am looking forward to using your new tips this week. All the best Rosemary
Thanks for the heads up on the new google tool. I tried listen to the video twice with two different settings on my hearing aid and was still having problems with the clarity of words. I also tried to turn on the video captioning, it didn’t work. I personally would like a more hearing impaired accessible video like a power point presentation. You could just simply try to slow down the speed of your talking. I did have all volume controls set on high.
Hey Matt
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing that great info. I am glad those company are helping us by those great reviews that they customers put there and making our job easier. I am always enjoying your post here.
Hi Matt,
Loved the video. I kept starting and stopping the video to go to the Google Product Search page to use it along with you so it would stick in my mind. Then I did some market research for sites I have now. Great tips on the other sites as well.
Thanks for the sharing Matt…saves time looking all over the place for physical products. I purchased the physical product aff marketing program from Daniel and Marc and this will save me heaps of time sorting out the dirt from clay. Much appreciated to you once again. Regards,Tairi
There were two things I got from your video. One was the Google product search..new to me. Another idea was to search for big ticket items when researching. Thanks!
Matt, thanks again. Great information and for FREE! I am so use to turning on my computer and pulling out my wallet at the same time. Thank you for sharing great tools and ideas with the rest of us.
Thank you for sharing, you made product search look so easy
Matt thanks for the great Video this will help out.I’m going to give this a try right now.Thanks again for Sharing this great video Matt
Hi Matt
As usual very interesting stuff.
Thanks again, food for thought.
Regards Colin
Hi Matt,
Thanks for yet more great information on product/niche research. Now, I’d like to ask you to do some videos on how you build your subscriber list to say, a product review site that you find using this technique.
I’m actually trying to get to the nitty gritty of creating your subscriber list from scratch – for example, do you create a squeeze page (text or video version) and then Google AdWords traffic to it (my main question relates to whether or not Google will penalise such a squeeze page, thus making the PPC cost very hight, or is PPC still a good strategy for list building?).
You see, there’s a lot of information about how to build a list – however, they tend to relate to tactics such as email marketing to your list – this defeats the purpose if you don’t have a list to begin with!
Anyway, please respond to this enquiry, so I can get cracking with some new physical product offers, as per your video.
Kind regards,
Chronic Tinnitus
Hey Matt
I had not even heard about Google Products. Thanks for sharing. Do you jot down new things and set them aside for post/article/video creation all the time?
It seems I get ideas from research and half of them float away before I get them down
Any thoughts?-maybe a good video:)
Aloha Matt, great content as usual. You got the good stuff to share and very informative to know. Thanks for sharing! Lani
Hey Matt,
Thanks for being so honest and sharing in the world of internet marketing. You are one of the very few marketers that I trust (and I can count them on one hand).
I loved Rapid Rewriter and found the Backlink Blueprint course to be priceless. I did buy RSS Bot on your recommendation and found it to be such a time saver. Are there any backlink tools or software that you recommend using as backlinking is so time consuming (or would you say just outsourcing is the way to go). I too was thinking about SeNuke but the cost was putting me off so I’m glad to see what you had to say about it earlier.
That’s why a forum would be great, it’s a great way to learn about what works and what doesn’t.
Thanks again for the great video, every little bit helps.
xx Catherine
Thanks for sharing. You give a lot of food for thought on looking for something to promote. I like the idea about checking the number of reviews to see if is worth promoting.
This is a great video for people looking for physical products to sell. Thanks you for sharing.
Thanks for yet another useful tip.
From your comment above:
“You are better off getting some link builders from Odesk to build profile links and blog and forum commenting.”
I assume you are paying a fixed rate per successful profile link.
What is a fair price?
Great advice Matt, checking it out now. For those who didn’t know the link to Google Product Search Beta, it’s just :
Thanks Matt, nice fresh information as usual.
I have been thinking about my next product and will certainly use this info.
Hi Matt,
Just finished building my first site using Mark Ling’s Affilorama course and your Rapid Rewriter and Backlink Blueprint course.
Have been following you for a while now and as always you provide great advice and tips.
Sharing your knowledge has helped make affiliate marketing a lot easier to understand. Keep up the great work!
Thanks Matt for the additional resource to find reviews on physical products. I might add that Amazon commission rate increases each month beyond the 4 % if a certain volume of items are sold during a certain period.
Thanks for the video Matt it was very informative and the information will be very useful in my product research – Thanks
Matt Carter Reply:
September 1st, 2010 at 9:45 pm
Hey Gary
You’re welcome and thanks for stopping by.
Thanks Matt, great video thanks for sharing with us on places to go to do research on products.
Matt Carter Reply:
September 1st, 2010 at 9:46 pm
Hey Michael,
No problem and glad you like it.
Hey Matt
This is Arnold and this is my first time writing here, although I have been following you for over two months. I heard of you in Affilorama, and so I bought RapitRewriter, hydrabacklink training, Xsitepro. I am also taking your 12 Steps course and getting ready to lunch my first site in the near future, but I am strongly considering lunch some sites in Spanish for the Latin America market which it is huge and with very low competition for keywords (I speak Portuguese, Spanish and English and so it will be good because I know not only the language, but also the local culture of several countries in the in Latin America. I love your blog because your content is second to none. Great work. ARNOLD
Matt Carter Reply:
September 1st, 2010 at 9:48 pm
Hey Arnold
Great to hear from you and I think there is heaps of potential online in non English markets for sure! Hope you do well there.
Oh I forgot to say thank you for sharing with all of us all these great tools you discover and share them unselfishly. ARNOLD
As you know Matt Im sticking with physical products so woop woop what an excellent video and your content as always rocks, no fluff and so dependable! its truly going to help me along faster yet still with required accuracy. Thanks again!
Matt Carter Reply:
September 4th, 2010 at 8:13 pm
Hey Karen
Yeah think you will do well with physical products, I certainly do and I love marketing them.
Chat soon
Hi Matt,
Dude your are awesome, thanks for sharing so much info, simply brilliant 🙂
Matt Carter Reply:
September 4th, 2010 at 8:10 pm
Hey Mark
You are more than welcome and thank you for commenting.
Hey matt
Thank you for all the greate information brother.
hope every thing is going well for you
Thanks Matt! That was helpful. I was looking for advice on how to find some big ticket items I could promote for the holidays, and your video was just what I needed. I’ll definitely be back to visit your blog again.
Matt Carter Reply:
September 4th, 2010 at 8:08 pm
Hey Cee
Your welcome and great to hear from you
This is a great video to use the Google products. There are so many ways to find something as you shared but Google is definitely a good source with their higher and higher level of caution with valid sites.
Great job!! Matt. Keep it up.
Hi Matt,
I just wanted to thank you for the good content, I recently joined your list and I like your teaching style.
As always you deliver awesome content…
This post has given me great resources to find products to set up mini sites to promote…Thanks again Matt…
Hi Matt,
Thanks again for some truly priceless info! I didn’t know about the Google Product Search at all. I stopped back here to just see some new info from you, and you never let me (or any of us) down. Great information and details on how to implement it on our sites. I’m in the process of rebuilding a forgotten site… this is the best information I’ve found by far!
Thanks again,
Hey Matt,
I signed up for your 12 session video course. Will you be covering niche marketing/product selection in the course? Do you use blogs or websites and will you be covering how to set those up? If no to these questions can you recommend a source much like Terry Kyle but on the niche/website/blog selection/installation? Great blog. Lots of practical info. I’m planning on getting Terry’s Baclinks Hydra course for SEO.
Thanks again for sharing.
Jim J
Matt Carter Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 7:51 am
Hi Jim
Yes I will be covering niche marketing in the course and I do recommend Terry Kyle, that why I have an ad for his course on the blog.
Thanks for the video Matt it was very informative
Keep up the great work!
Kind regards,
Edward Young
Hi Matt ,
Thank you for your information. I have been working on getting an income stream online for a while. your video training is great, and full of good solid ideas.
Good to see a fellow Aussie taking it to those American “gurus”.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Matt,
Great video and a really cool way of putting things in perspective. I am so tired of overblown yanks pushing their wares, a refreshing change and am very pleased to meet you. Greetings to you from the old country – Devon UK
Hi Matt, new to your list. Great info, and very well done explanation video. Thanks for sharing. As per your example of cameras, how do you find out which ones have affiliate programs attached to them?
Hey Matt,
how’s it going. Just started receiving your 12 cd course. Can’t wait to get to the part of constructing the website. It’s my major obstacle to accelerating.
Just getting started in this business – and learning soooo much! Thanks for the practical and smart advice. I look forward to reading the rest of your training sessions and putting them to use.
Thanks again!
Hi there Matt, Hope to maybe get an answer. If you cannot answer this .It is fine . If I get market samurai and word press direct ? will that be enough for me to start making money. Would I need to buy something else for traffic?
Just that I would asl since Ive seen you answer questions here. someone with as much xperience as you. I just had to try.
Matt Carter Reply:
February 4th, 2011 at 7:50 am
Hi Sergio
Those tool will not get you traffic, and you need traffic to make money online, what I suggest you do is learn basic SEO skills and practice on a simple WordPress site, as that is what help you make money online.
Good luck
Hello Matt!
A quick question for you. When targeting a specific product/model, do youever find it is difficult to compete due to the actual manufacturer of the product ranking high on Google?
Sometimes it can be an Amazon listing also. How much affect does this have in getting ranked high?
Matt Carter Reply:
March 13th, 2011 at 6:13 pm
Hey John
Its not hard to out rank the manufacturer, most of them don’t do any backlinking, so its easy!
Hi Matt,I sell a lot of products using Amazon-the link I use to find the best sellers on Amazon is http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/ great page to start with as shows all reviews and how many days product as best seller.