Getting high PageRank backlinks to your affiliate marketing site, or any site for that matter, will help you move up the Google rankings. The problem however is getting a link on a high PR page can be dificult. The goods news is that if you click the link below, you will be taken to a video that explains how to get a PageRank 7 link for free!
Some people rent links out, and when they do they charge up to $300 a month for a PR 7 link, but rest assured this technique shows you how to get one for free.
Click here for the PR 7 Link Video
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thanks for the share
Hi Matt,
I’m here again… I must say that this is the best post I have ever read on your blog. Very short but what is on the attached video is what’s making this post great.
I have not known this strategy before. But I will be doing this for all of my campaigns.
Making these kind of backlinks is cool since its high PR and the link is automatically posted,no confirmation or any other blah, blah..
Anyway, is it true that there are more advance SEO tactics like this on SEO Experts Academy? Do you recommend your buyers to avail their product once it launches?
Thanks Matt..
Matt Carter Reply:
October 20th, 2011 at 12:06 pm
Yup there plenty more where that come from in the course
Randy Bonachita Reply:
October 20th, 2011 at 12:16 pm
——- Great! Anyway had an email from CWS(Daniel Turner and Marc Lindsay) and they too are promoting your product. Good luck to this new one Matt and I hope all the best to you. Real and honest people in IM are not too many and we, your subscribers are happy that you are one of them.
Thanks for sharing Matt. I saw that video a few days ago and it’s actually a pretty “ninja” technique. Really curious how your new project will go 🙂
Hi! Matt,
I did “like this” all the pages from PR 1-7 by searching 1000 google positions. I believe these links are all from different IP addresses.
Thanks a lot!
martin Reply:
October 30th, 2011 at 5:36 am
They are same IP.
sitename.tumblr.com is but all one domain.
As Terry mentioned, can only use 1 time for each of your url
Matt – this is great! I wonder how long they’re going to keep this alive… probably until Google finds out and devalues the link 🙁
Yeah there are loads more advanced tactics in the SEO Experts Academy, this is only a small teaser!
Great stuff as always Matt. Already on your mailing list for the course so I was able to use this tip a few times already today. Were any of your sites affected any by the latest Panda update? Thanks again.
Matt, thanks for the great video. You always provide the MOST helpful advice.
Good stuff Matt! Looking forward to the seeing the SEO Experts Academy. Will this be a membership or one off product?
Thanks for the information!
Looking forward to the seeing the SEO Experts Academy. Will this be a membership or one off product?
Thanks for the information! Really looking forward to seeing what you have to offer!
Thanks for such a good site and i am already utilizing most of the info on my site.
hope to continue getting tips from you.
What fantastic free advice. There is nobody out there that gives as much as you do and if this course is anywhere within my Budget, You’ve got a sale!
Hi Matt
Still going through your free videos … excellent and then you write this post 🙂
Wow, the best I’ve read on getting quality backlinks. I have been wondering about this and other information I have read sure doesn’t match up to this post.
Thanks for sharing such valuable information with us. Much appreciated.
Patricia Perth Australia
Hey Matt,
I’ve been following your blog for awhile and I’m really curious about this SEO Experts Academy thing you’re doing.
Can you tell me if there’s anything in there about all the recent Panda updates, and how one might recover a website that’s been hit.
Matt Carter Reply:
November 2nd, 2011 at 10:17 am
Hi Clayton
Yes we do discuss the Panda issue and what to do if your site was hit and more importantly what to do so you don’t get hit.
Wow, Matt! Incredible value. I appreciate you being honest and providing quality free content. I probably would have paid a pretty penny for this info! Can’t imagine what your course will be like!
Thanks again!
Thanks for the nice method of getting quality backlinks. I have been trying to focus more on higher PR links for my sites. While looking at on of my competitor’s site, using one of my key words, I found a site that has no backinks (according to backlinkwatch.com) and their PR is 0, yet they are in the top position on the first page of google. This seems very odd to me???
Thx Matt, Great information
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the wicked video, very informative and definitely better
than spending $100 a month.
I’ll be implementing this on my sites ASAP.
Also be signing up on your mailing list.
Keep up the great work Matt.
Thanks for sharing this great tip. I plan on using this technique as I start my back linking for my 4 new sites. This is going to come in as a great time saver. Good Luck with your product launch tomorrow!
Best Regards!
hi matt
I cant wait for the SEO Experts Academy
Found your information through a friend and watched your video. Quite interesting technique. Only problem is pretty soon, Google will become wise to it and devalue the links. Overall A++++++++++++. Thanks, man.
Thanks for the post, done it and hope it will help!
Hi Matt
Nice New Tactics and video presentation…. also are there ways that you don’t really have to invest on anything for you to have good backlinks after all we are all targeting for good traffic…..
Also for those newbie out there whose looking a first great way to do affiliate marketing just click my name…
Great share. There are many great ways to make your PR increase fast and I think one weapon is through good marketing. Nice insight.
Hey Matt,
I really appreciate what you’ve given us here.I’ll take time to watch the video and implement the technique.I guess there are more great stuff in your course:-)
Another great piece of advice and selling (through my affiliate links) between 6 and 15 items a month through one of my sites, thanks to the information and training from Matt. Not bad for a newbie but more great advice here.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks – that is a great tip and it has convinced me to join SEO Experts Academy. I was already very interested in joining but was put off slightly by a forum poster who wrote that there was nothing new in the course that you won’t have heard elsewhere. Well, I’d certainly not heard of anything like this technique before !
Great information on link building. It is nice to know that you don’t always have to pay for links.
Seems like it doesn’t work anymore. I noticed my PR6 link (which I learned from your video) gone when I did a backlink scan. So I went back to tumblr site and discovered all tumblr sites’ like link are now nofollow. Just to inform you.
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the wicked video, very informative and definitely better
than spending $100 a month.
I’ll be implementing this on my sites ASAP.
Also be signing up on your mailing list.
Keep up the great work Matt.
This is a great technique and I’m seeing a lot of people use it.
I do see a flaw in your recommendation. If you simply like the page it will show up as a no-follow link, however, if you reblog the page, the link is followed.
Curious as to why you didn’t discover this or point it out to your readership.
Tom S(QuickStudy)