Hi everyone,
In this video I have demonstrated a few very important affiliate internet marketing tips that are essential in order to increase your affiliate conversion rates.
That’s all from me, I hope you found these affiliate marketing tips useful, just remember to do your market research, its vital!
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Thank you Matt for the nice tip. Yet I did not try promoting Amazon products but it is in my to do list. Definitely it is going to help me in doing market research.
Wow! Your videos always contain a wealth of information, and you have this ability to combine the most essential data in a simple and common sense way that, I believe, is also the most profitable way. It’s also key to provide the greatest value for people. I love it! Thank you Matt.
Thanks Matt,
I’ve just recommended your video to my affiliate buddies. That’s a great example of how a proper marketing research have to be done!
Great information Matt, thank you so much!
I am not very good at writing articles about affiliate products I promote and these tips will definitely help.
Thanks Matt, why don’t I think of these things, so obvious when you have pointed it out. Strikes me as quite fun too and I certainly read these kind of product reviews before I buy anything. I will be reading them for another reason now!
Thanks Matt,that is very good information for doing market research for product reviews,going to forums on a specific product is something I never even thought of,great tip right there.
Happy Holidays to you and your family and all the best in 2011.
Really good info, Matt. Thanks! I don’t know why I haven’t thought of using Amazon’s reviews before. Happy Holidays.
Hi Matt!
Thanks for sharing this information.
Happy Holidays Matt. Thank You again for being a great affiliate mentor. These tips are great and I will take action on them!
Great info, Matt. It all seems so common sense, and yet it is more easily said than done when you sit down in front of that blank computer screen wanting to fill up your website in a hurry. A little bit of research before writing anything will pay dividends no doubt. I’m sure anyone that has been at this business for any length of time has learned this key element to affiliate marketing, but with life’s distractions, we all need reminders like this. Thanks for the gentle nudge.
People say I’m smart but why don’t I think of these things?!
Good tip!
More great info. Thanks Matt. Yes reading reviews and summarizing the opinions is a great way to build your own credible reviews that are unique content. Taking shortcuts in affiliate marketing often backfires. Quality information/content wins every time. Have a great festive season holiday.
Extremely useful information, as usual, Matt. I will definitely implement your tips into my own market research. All the best to you and your family for the holiday season.
I found this video very helpful thank you
Thanks Matt very much, love your emails as they are very informative.
Merry Christmand and a Happy New Year.
Thanks Matt, I have used Amazon reviews, but never thought of using Youtube comments. Also thanks for clarifying that as an affiliate it is OK to give reviews when I have not even seen the product. I obviously can’t buy everything before I review, but I have always felt a bit bad about doing this, but the way you explain that an affiliate is doing the job of information collating on behalf of the potential customer sounds ethical. I have seen some other IM trainers blasting people for promoting products they don’t own and have never used.
Matt Carter Reply:
December 20th, 2010 at 12:05 pm
Hey Mary
Yeah I understand, I also struggled with the concept of reviewing products I have never tried, and then I realized I can just position myself as the person who
does he research for people.
Hi Matt, I have just watched your video and found it very helpful and I have no doubt I will be able to put this knowledge to good use. May I thank you for all your assistance in 2010. Happy Christmas and New Year
Matt Carter Reply:
December 20th, 2010 at 12:04 pm
Hey Rosemary
Glad you liked the video also, and have a nice holiday season
Hey Matt,
As always you deliver the goods and this video course on affiliate marketing is many of us need…a target practice.
nii ahene-La
Right on Matt. Thanks for the awesome tips.
Merry Christmas!!!
PS, love your integrity.
Nice work Matt! Short and to the point! V G information. Seasons Greetings …… Cheers … Doug ….
Matt Carter Reply:
December 20th, 2010 at 12:03 pm
Hey Doug,
Glad you got something out of the videos,
Have a nice Christmas
Merry Xmas, Matt!
That was a great tip fit for the last video of the year!
Don’t forget Wikipedia.com (wikileaks, too?) for adding
some more facts before attempting to review a product.
Happy New Year Everybody!
Thanks for a lot of good content in 2010. You are very much appreciated. Seasons Greetings from the Great White North near Toronto.
Thank you for always sharing great information.
I wish you Happy Holidays!
And let’s have altogether a great 2011
Excellent video Matt. All the best for the new year.
Thanks for the Amazon, YouTube and forum resource suggestions.
Have look at them countless times, but never thought to use them for writing reviews.
Thanks for connecting the dots for me.
Be well…
thanks matt the tip is helpful,looking forward to hear from you in 2011.
Nice little video with wonderful tips on doing a product review. A lot of stuff you give us is really invaluable and in most cases I would have never thought of it until you made mention of some of these great ideas. So let me thank you as always for the effort you put out for us. Paul
Hey Matt,
Jay Abraham has even taught this research strategy, way to go man,
and thanks for all the great info.
Kia orana Matt,
you are so giving mate. Really appreciate this video and the clever way to leverage info out there to do the groundwork,ie market research. Will use this immediately.
Any chance of getting your mate who did the Niche Market webinar to xtend his offer through you…its Xmas and other priorities got in the way! To the end of this week would be good …then i can buy myself a present!!!
You have a Happy Festive Season with your fambam and look forward to your continued mentoring in 2011. Rugby World Cup in New Zealand…bring it on!!
Thanks for the information on product reviews. It should make a big difference for affiliate sales.
Best season greetings to everyone.
Thanks Matt,
The video was neat, clean and informative and useful to affiliate marketers and creating better and more useful review style websites..
Hey Matt,
Great video and tip!
Preselling is important indeed! Preselling creates trust, and gaining the trust of your readers helps them to want to click your links, which typically leads to more sales.
Preselling also disarms your reader. Think about it… no one really enjoys being sold something, and by not putting them through your sales pitch, your reader is less defensive. If their guard is down, it’s very likely the reader is NOT filtering what you say. So your message gets across, which may also lead to more sales.
Keep up the great work, Matt!
Fred S.
Hi Matt,
I just a beginner in internet marketing world and your emails, videos, and tips are really big help.
Thanks you very much!
Hi Matt,
Thanks for sharing another useful tip with us. I will certainly put this knowledge to good use.
Also, a big thank you for all the useful information on affiliate marketing throughout 2010 and look forward to more in 2011.
Season greetings to you and your family.
Hi Matt,
I just a beginner in internet marketing world and your emails, videos, and tips are really big help.
Thanks you very much.
Hey Matt,
A fantastic insight on how to get down to the nitty gritty of product marketing, and qualifying how to posistion yourself as a product reviewer, I love the YT tip never thought of that !
Cool video Matt
Still playing with the clickbank products but as soon as i can get my site http://www.greatfarmvillehints.com earning some money i want to try amazon.
Hi Matt,
Another great piece of info – thanks. I run quite a few affiliate Amazon sites and I do use the reviews to help write my content. I am looking forward to using YT and the forums as per your video – very exciting.
Have a great Christmas and here’s to a phenomenal 2011 and beyond
Hi Matt,
Thank you so much for this particular video, as it related directly to my situation.
Like Mary,I struggle to make good sense of reviewing camcorders I have never owned.
I do put Youtube video reviews on my site, and I remember you have spoken before about quoting from Amazon reviews.
Now I can rest easy in being able to say that I collate review information and present it as a summary review.
Best wishes to you for the holidays, and every success in 2011.
Thanks Matt for nice and usefulTips. video is so useful. Keep it up
Web Solution India – Internet Marketing Agency
Hi, Matt,
This surely is a great video about how to find some nice reviews for physical products. Do you have any suggestion about finding reviews (true reviews) for Clickbank products?
I’ve been doing this already, but you always seem to come up with something I didn’t think about, an angle, a different way to see things. Great stuff! I especially like what you said about “fake reviews” and how awful they are.
Here’s a little holiday gift for you! It’s a site I found and have been using where reviews are pulled together from all over the web. I’m sure you’re going to find it useful.
I look forward to more from you in 2011. Thanks, Matt!
Hi Matt!
Great video! It can be so easy if you just now where to look.
Thanks for enlighten me!
Greetings Matt
Thanks for all your high quality info, on my site http://www.family-gardens.com I am sharing information and information products largely using click bank, can you give us some hints on the best way to find reviews on click bank products.
Farmer Dave
thank’s matt .brilliant as usual.
Hi Matt,
This will save so much time and add real credibilty to any product review, (never thought of using Youtube & forums) as usual you provide great info and at great price.
Enjoy your festive break.
Thanks for the tip Matt. Once again you have provided a greatly informative video. I’ve been learning about affiliate marketing for over a year now and I can honesty say that you are the only person out here that I can trust to provide quality content when it comes to learning about this subject. Thanks for your help.
Hi Matt
As always great content and tips throughout the year.
Hope you and the Family have a Great Christmas and look forward to hearing from you in the New Year.
Hey Matt,
Some great stuff there mate, thanks for taking the time to share your marketing tips and tricks. I have learned a lot from you over the time I’ve been reading your blog. I hope you have a happy Christmas and a Great new year.
Fantastic information, will apply those tips immediately.
Mate you are a genius!
Thank you Matt, great info as always.
Happy christmas for you and your family.
Like Mary above, I too use Amazon reviews on a regular basis, though it hadn’t occurred to me to check YouTube. Life does get in the way sometimes, so thanks for the reminder, as well as for the tip on finding forums where your product is discussed… sweet!
Have a lovely and relaxing Holiday Season!
As others have said, it’s so simple and “common sense” but most of us never think of these things the way you do. I suspect you just helped a LOT of affiliate marketers with this one. And since I have a review site, now I’m thinking of re-writing some reviews and making customer reviews more prominent!
Happy Holidays!
So simple yet so useful and overlooked by so many including myself. As an affiliate I think the forum research can be very helpful. Amazon does not have clickbank products so this is a great way to get around it.
very good tips and i thank you for your time i will keep comeing back
Hey thanks Matt, Always good content. Best of the holidays to you. See you in 2011.
Thanks for this Matt – and many thanks for a great 2010 – you have a uniquely straight style & I’ve always enjoyed your blog and what you have to say.
Regards & Have a great Xmas & a great 2011 !!
Hi Matt;
That was very helpful tips! I knew about Amazon and the reviews but the other two tips were great.
What type of camcorder do you use for your videos? I have been thinking of purchasing one since the one I have is outdated. Perhaps you have a link?
Thanks Matt,
Great content and marketing info — as usual.
Wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season.
Until next year,
WHOA this video just gave me a KILLER idea ..thanks Matt awesome!
Merry Xmas and all the best for 2011, Matt and family.
Solid information for affiliate marketing, and might I add there is quite some knowledgeable reviews performed on Amazon, I noticed. Some people are real techie’s so to speak. I can only add for the readers is once you have the You tube video for a product. Check out page views as well as comments, because there is the opportunity to piggy back of the video by asking the owner for a link on the video back to your site. Make sure the video is current though, offer to pay for the privilege you can get some videos having 200K to 400K page views with your link. Cool! Have a great holiday.
Matt….Great tips on writing reviews! I always gain valuable tips from watching your videos and reading your blog posts! I hope that you continue to share your knowledge with us and wish you and your family all the best this upcoming New Year!
Matt lots of great stuff here! Thanks as always for sharing these great marketing tips here! Have a great New Year my friend!
Hi Matt,
I just stumbled upon this blog and would like to thank you for creating such a helpful, quality site. Happy Holidays, and you rock!
Thanks for the video. I’m promoting Amazon products on my first site and I’ve used the methods you’re talking about here. I agree that it’s unethical to say you’ve used a product if you never have, so this method is great for giving solid information without lying or deceiving people.
I also will link directly to an actual review, I usually try to find a good 5 star review, so that potential buyers can read a review straight from Amazon’s page.
Thanks Matt,i really appreciate the video and the method for the internet marketing.
Hi Matt,
You are absolutely amazing with all the tips you offer free.
I want to wish you and your family a very happy New Year!
Did your Wife have the Baby yet?
Many many thanks for everything you do for us Newbies.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the themes and the videos. Being honest is things that hard to do for affiliates who especially don’t know about the product they want to promote, that’s why there are so many story type of websites out there that we know that the story is bogus.
Hope your videos clarify everything for them and start making commissions the right way.
Thanks Matt
Another great vid Matt, I have had your course and been through all 12 vids. Great content. If’s helped me a lot on my review site. Also I want to thank you for allowing us to use your wordpress theme for free. I think you should have charged us for it, but I’m glad you didn’t, since I am just starting out as a product reviewer. I have been online for some time now, and the training you give is excellent. Again, thanks
Brad C.
Hi Matt, I watched this video once and just came across it again. I have used Amazon as a main source of likes and dislikes about physical products for a long time. And I always use YouTube, too. What escaped me was the use comments on YouTube as valuable research information. I usually look to see how many views and comments have been made just to see who liked the video, but now I know to look deeper. Thanks for this great insight.
Such a great video with amazing informations.
Thank for a great video. Very usefull tip.
Hi Matt, I bought the Rapid Profit Formula the second day it was available and I LOVE it. I learned a lot and am still learning from it. In one of the videos you state that blogs that have NoFollow links are not the best place to leave a comment since Google doesn’t follow them. That poses a problem with WordPress Blogs since version 1.5. Starting with WordPress 1.5 all user submitted links are NoFollow by default. Below is the information copy and pasted from WordPress.org
Thanks for everything
Bob Jones
From WordPress.org below;
WordPress 1.5 and above automatically assigns the nofollow attribute to all user-submitted links (comment data, commenter URI, etc).
How Do I Disable Nofollow?
To disable nofollow, use one of the following plugins:
Follow URL
DoFollow and Nofollow Case by Case
I am really enjoying this free course and benefiting from it (and I have been online for three years without much to write home about).
Thanks Matt
Thank you for this video. The information in it is fantastic. I will make sure and apply it when I am doing market research for a product on Amazon that I am planning to promote.
Thank you Matt! I can see why you are so successful.
thanks for sharing, Matt..this is awesome, now i can provide more information of the stuff i selling from the amazon…many thanks