Hey, Matt here, I'm a full time Super Affiliate, 33 years old, and live in New Zealand with my wife and son.
The internet is a brilliant way to make money. I encourage you to sign up above and start with my free 12 part affiliate marketing video course, and follow on facebook
Get well soon Matt!!! Solid information mate. Keep these great vids coming
Hi Matt.
Very informative! Thx Matt
Hi Matt – when you talk about a product being safe, you say that you would stay away from products that go on the body, such as creams etc – and I understand why you would say this, but aren’t you in the health food niche, wouldn’t you consider food to be just as risky, if not more risky than cosmetic products, after all they don’t just go on your body, they go in your body?
Hey Matt,
thanks for continuing to create valuable content!
I have started selling on Amazon.com and definitely agree with you about the importance of having a great design. Not only that, but images have to be in high resolution, 3D and shot from good angles. Amazon is a great opportunity and great platform for product launching and gaining visibility for new brands.
I plan to launch more products, one on European marketplace also.
I would really like if you could share some tips on how to generate more reviews.
Best regards 🙂
Great video, simple and easy to understand. Hope you are feeling well soon! Your video are always very informative.
Hi Matt and thanks for the video. I’m at the point where my manufacturer is almost ready to ship out my first shipment of a product.
My question is (and I’m afraid there’s probably not a straight forward answer) should I consider building out the brand in that niche rather than looking for disconnected products to sell?
So for example, if my first product is a silicone spatula, then maybe I’ll look to create a kitchen and dinning brand and offer tongs, thermometers, silicone mats, etc. as next products.
Some of those products might not be in the best seller’s list, but they might have a few selling in the top 500.
It’s a hard decision because on one hand if you build a brand name I’d think that would in the long run help increase sales because of trust, but on the other hand if I can sell the Moroccan Oil in a month and get ranked well for that… that’s awesome money.
What might your advice be?
Thanks for the good info Matt! I like the 5 SS – it’s an easy way to remember what to look for in a possible private label product.
Awesome stuff Matt, thanks!
Great video Matt I really enjoyed it. Sorry about your cold, I am 57yrs old and can’t remember the last time I had a cold. I ride a stationary bike thirty minutes a day five days a week and take a good multivitamin. Do this and you won’t get any more colds and you’ll be in better shape too! All the best.
Matt, I continue to appreciate your style. Always…well planned and thoroughly explained. You pique my interest about selling on Amazon. Get well soon!