Contact Us


matt ** at ** mattsmarketingblog dot com (got to stop the bots scraping my email!)

However I must be honest and say I cannot reply to everyone, as I have over 40,000 people on my email list now, and its impossible for me to answers emails all day. If you are one of my paying customers of then you will get priority.

All the best with your marketing


Matt Carter

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54 Comments to Contact Us

  1. March 11, 2010 at 9:10 am | Permalink

    Matt, this is just awesome what you are doing for all of us newcomers! You are showing us real value in your sessions and building our trust. Only have watched the first 3 and am amazed at how easy this can be to understand when you just talk our language.


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hey Robert

    Great to hear from you, and happy to be of help to you




  2. April 2, 2010 at 10:40 pm | Permalink

    Hello Matt, I just want to thank for having such a big and kind heart. People like you are far and few. I have been struggling now for 8 years on the net, losing not malking and I am getting a bit discouraged. Problem is I “have had to buy a fish but never shown how to catch a fish, you are giving me great hope.
    God Bles,
    Richard From, Maine


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hey Richard

    No problem, and glad you are learning some stuff through the blog, make sure you get my free video course if you haven’t already as there is plenty in there.

    I know it can be tough to filter through all the junk online, but I can assure you that i will never provide junk here.




  3. May 6, 2010 at 6:54 am | Permalink

    Great content Matt. I’ve just watched all of your videos and the content is as good as it can be. Are you still working on the last 3 vids?


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Not sure what you mean, last three videos?



  4. May 17, 2010 at 7:34 am | Permalink

    Hi Matt
    thanks for all the emails with the great content, it really is amazing to find genuine people that are willing to help others, you have put together some really helpfull information that will help everyone, thanks once again,

    Matthew davis


  5. Zoe's Gravatar Zoe
    May 18, 2010 at 1:49 am | Permalink


    Wow, wow, wow and more wow

    Was all I could say after watching the vids

    Only grumble was that vid 9 and 12 did not load for me

    Can you point me to their URL’s?

    If not, no problem as I got a great deal of knowledge just from watching the ones I did manage to see

    Thank you for creating and posting them



  6. May 21, 2010 at 10:46 am | Permalink

    Always the best content and the PPC Magic webinar was great. Too bad I had to leave 1/2 way thru. Maybe You’ll post it???


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hey John,

    Thanks for your comment, the link you need for the replay is here:




  7. May 24, 2010 at 7:57 am | Permalink

    Thanks Matt, all your info has been so very helpful and I look forward to all your emails. But, I have a question other than back linking and maybe you can help me. When I signed up with Clickbank they emailed me two codes – one I use to send my readers to my affiliate websites and the other clickbank said I was to put on my website.
    Question- Where do I put this second code and what does it do?

    Thanks for all your help, everyday I learn something new and I know I am moving in the right direction, slowly but surely, day by day.



  8. June 15, 2010 at 10:42 am | Permalink

    Thank you Matt for sharing all your knowledge about online marketing. I am into affiliate marketing for quite sometime. At the present time I have two websites (1). An affiliate site for dating sites ( ) where I promote other dating sites like (2). An online gift shop for 134 gift items (
    I am currently working on another affiliate site for promoting multiple product catagories in one site.


  9. Thomas Shaw's Gravatar Thomas Shaw
    July 8, 2010 at 8:39 am | Permalink

    Hi Matt,
    Matt i bought a collection of 100 SEO profile links about six months ago, half are page rank 5 the rest 6,7 and 8.
    But thanks to you i now know that while the first page might have page rank, the comment area on many of them does not.
    My question is this, is it still worth having a link from my profile page?
    One final question, what is the most amount of rss feeds you have fed into rss mix? I’m thinking of grabbing most from the above and submitting to rss bot as one feed.
    Just got to ad, that back linking course of yours is worth a fortune, and you virtually give it away with that amazing piece of software Rapid rewriter.
    Thank you.


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Thomas

    I don’t use RSS for SEO, I find it doesn;t work




  10. August 8, 2010 at 1:04 am | Permalink


    Your 12 part video series was just awesome. I learned so many tips and tricks from them.

    I’m curious. What software did you use to create the video and then edit it? Also what kind of mic did you use?




    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Justin

    Camtasia and G35 headset mic




  11. Ken Wilson's Gravatar Ken Wilson
    September 21, 2010 at 2:59 pm | Permalink

    Hello Matt,
    I am a relative nebie at all this stuff. At the present time, I am setting up Affilliate / Review sites. I have been searching everywhere for some layman type instructions of how to put Boxes around Text on a WordPress Blog, just like you have done on your sites.

    Some people say to put code in the HTML editor as you are writing you post, and some say that you have to go into the CSS coding. Are there step by step instructions to do this for anybody who is NOT computer geek.

    Thank you,



  12. September 24, 2010 at 6:38 pm | Permalink

    Hi Matt
    Firstly, thank you for the FREE Template. However, I have found several issues, whilst setting it up. What you are doing to help us newbies is fantastic & I don’t want to find fault, but the fact is the Template, in my case, doesn’t work… How do I contact you to advise re; these issues?


  13. September 27, 2010 at 4:33 am | Permalink

    Thank you for the 12 part training program on affilioate marketing. Much appreciated.

    Many thanks also for the free affiliate template for Word Press. However, I noticed in your instruction video that you are using a Marketing template.

    Many users do not have this type of account with Word Press. There is also the matter of buying a CSS license for one year which will allow us to modify the page layout we now have with Word Press BUT NOT upload customized site wall paper.

    What would be the point of buying this CSS right to alter our web site appearance but not be allowed to upload customized site material?

    I too am a relative newbie to web page creation and this situation is a real baffler.
    What is going on here?


  14. September 28, 2010 at 10:40 am | Permalink

    Hi Matt,

    Did you recieve my email.

    Thanks martin.


  15. September 29, 2010 at 9:01 am | Permalink

    Hey Robert

    I have not received any email from you, so please use this email:




  16. October 6, 2010 at 11:53 pm | Permalink

    Hi Matt,
    great lessons, great info…’Top Secrets’
    I am worse than a newbe, I have’nt the first clue what everyone is talking about….??
    Is anyone out there willing to take me through the first steps
    of what it’s all about…..!!! I know its all about making money,
    but, where do ‘I’ start..???


  17. Chris's Gravatar Chris
    October 10, 2010 at 10:44 am | Permalink

    Matt, your theme is a gem and the value you are giving out is awesome. thankyouthankiyou!!!

    I am building a blog on 10 products from amazon.
    the complete ad for each product is served by amazon.
    I entered the code as if it was Adsense and it displays properly, but with the same ad for the whole site. I want to be able to change it on each product page.
    I was hoping to avoid building my own ads with uploadable images.
    Is there a way to change the adsense pick up for each post?

    thanks a million


  18. October 19, 2010 at 12:57 am | Permalink

    I don’t know if my last message got through but I’m missing the tutorials for Rapid Rewriter


  19. Billy's Gravatar Billy
    October 28, 2010 at 7:03 pm | Permalink

    Hi Matt thank you so much for all your tutorials ,you certainly are one of the most helpful marketers on the net .Keep up the good work i love visiting your blog.


  20. February 3, 2011 at 9:18 pm | Permalink

    Hi Matt

    thanks for the information – I am new to this but it will definitely help



  21. March 2, 2011 at 12:30 pm | Permalink

    I don’t know whether my previous message got logged. I have a business idea that I want to discuss with you. How can we get in direct contact? Please email me.


  22. Samantha's Gravatar Samantha
    March 13, 2011 at 7:44 pm | Permalink

    Hi Matt,

    I would like to say that the free report is very good and I did get a few more helpful tips from it.

    The free theme is truly a great gift as well, but I would like to know how we can change the footer link to our affiliate link.

    I don’t mind you getting credit, but now that you have an affiliate program we should definitely share the love (smile). Also, if we may have some simaliarities in some areas… it is best that we can use our affiliate link there.

    Again, thanks and I would really like to use the theme!


  23. April 12, 2011 at 9:57 am | Permalink

    Hello Matt,
    I am using your Affiliate Theme now on the second of my websites. I have one sort of technical question that I cannot seem to fix.

    On my first site, I had the ”Discussion” heading on the page that allows you to either tick the ”Allow Comments” or leave it blank, which I do prefer to do.

    On the new site I am building now, I cannot get that ”Discussion” menu up, and therefor cannot stop all the comments coming in.

    Have I done something wrong in the site set up, or do I have to add the ”Discussion” somehow. I have pressed every button available but I cannot make it work.

    I know you are as busy as a man with 10 arms Matt, and you may not be able to answer this for some time. I hope you don’t mind me asking if any of your readers can help me solve this slight problem.

    My email address is

    As for the theme, it is top stuff, easy to lay out, clean and very neat.

    Yours sincerely,

    Ken Wilson


    Philip Treacy Reply:

    Hi Ken,

    I’d say you are using the latest version of WordPress? They’ve removed the ‘Discussion’ section by default. To see it again on your post/page : when you are editing your post/page, at the top right of your screen you’ll see ‘Screen Options’. Click on this and then make sure the ‘Discussion’ box is ticked. This will then show you the ‘Allow comments’ and ‘Allow trackbacks and pingbacks’ further down the page.



  24. April 28, 2011 at 1:38 pm | Permalink

    Hi, Matt

    I like your ethical style of doing business. I am sure that your Rapid Profit Formula is full of very useful instructions and recommendations. I have sent you a message through the contact form above. My problem is that I am from Kazakhstan and Click bank doesn’t work with my country. It means that I can’t buy from them and I will not be able to be their affiliate. I think I will survive without being a Clickbank affiliate, but I can’t buy your product. Can I pay you for your RPF in different way? I have VISA card. Do you have Plan B for such cases as mine? I will appreciate if you drop me a message to my e-mai address

    Best regards,




  25. Steve's Gravatar Steve
    April 29, 2011 at 4:55 am | Permalink

    Hi Matt,
    I signed up for your 12 video course only received 1 video could you please send the rest to


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Steve

    Great to have you onboard. The videos series gets emailed out, a new one each day, to give you time to learn all the new things.

    Chat soon



  26. April 30, 2011 at 2:38 am | Permalink


    I tried to send this through the contact page but it just sat on the send spin button –

    I have your Rapid Profit Formula and I love it.

    I am interested in your Rapid Rewriter. Is there a video that shows exactly what it does and how to do it?

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I’ve learned more from your RPF than lots of junk I spent lots of money on over the past 2 years!

    I do have about 75 articles published on Ezine (diamond level 🙂 🙂 ) so I understand how much time article writing requires.

    Again, thanks.



  27. May 5, 2011 at 4:04 am | Permalink


    My latest versions of FireFox are not compatible with SeoQuake or NoFollow.
    I have version 4.0.1

    Any good solution to this?

    I appreciate all your good instructions.



    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Leo

    Just Google for another no follow, and as for SEO quake, then I suggest you grab Traffic TRavis as it does everything you need and more



  28. Edmund's Gravatar Edmund
    May 9, 2011 at 1:19 pm | Permalink

    Hi Matt,

    How do you setup the blog page in your alteril website where you add in all your blog posts? Is there a plugin to do that or something? I can’t seem to figure that out.



  29. May 11, 2011 at 3:18 am | Permalink

    Hey Matt,
    I really like what you are doing here. I probably would have not have a site running without you.

    Thanks a lot


  30. May 11, 2011 at 5:08 am | Permalink

    Dear Matt,

    This is Ranjan from India. Accidentally, I came to your site and feeling lucky having you. I am a regular reader of your blogs and tips and getting your free 12-part video series also.

    It would be worthful for me if you suggest me what is suitable for me and from where to start because I am a very new in Internet Marketing or Affiliate Marketing.



  31. Peter's Gravatar Peter
    May 11, 2011 at 6:17 am | Permalink

    Hello Matt

    Congratulations for your online courses they are awesome, however, i have a question. I have downloaded your theme and i want to upload it to my wordpress account but i cannot because there is not any upload button at the menu there.I have followed these instructions:

    but i still cannot upload your theme to my account (apparently this newer version of wordpress has some changes).Do you know how can i solve this.

    Thanks beforehand



  32. May 24, 2011 at 2:19 am | Permalink

    Hi Matt,

    I hope you and your family are well.

    I’m not sure if you’ve been getting my emails buddy.
    I sent you a few regarding ‘Rapid Rewriter’.

    Take care Matt,


  33. June 1, 2011 at 11:38 am | Permalink

    Hey Dave

    You don’t have to keep adding content forever, just get the site to about 15-20 pages, that will be fine.

    All the best



    Dave Reply:

    Hi Matt,

    Cheers for that, I actually continued watching your video and you do say that it only needs to be built up to 20-30 posts.

    If you would like to check out my website and tell me what you think that would be greatly appreciated. I know you’re probably very busy so if you don’t have time no worries. Anyways just wanted to thank you again. Let me know if ur ever doing a seminar in the Sydney area



  34. June 5, 2011 at 9:50 am | Permalink

    Hey Maxine,

    Yup there is a HUGE amount of potential in other countries, and most people miss this…not me though!

    Keep up the good work



  35. Ron Brantley's Gravatar Ron Brantley
    June 7, 2011 at 11:06 am | Permalink

    Hey Matt,

    I was wondering if you had a launch date scheduled for your Coaching Program……very anxious.

    Thanks a lot,



    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hey Ron

    Email going out next week on Monday. Remind me of this chats we’ve had here on the blog when you apply.




    Ron Brantley Reply:

    Hey Matt,

    Thanks for the reply, I sure will remind you, as I look forward to the program.




  36. June 7, 2011 at 5:06 pm | Permalink

    Hi Simon

    Unfortunately no, checks is the only way




  37. Jesse's Gravatar Jesse
    June 11, 2011 at 6:31 am | Permalink

    I just finished watching the first video you sent. It’s funny how you mention that in Australia they pronounce Niche as neesh not nich. I JUST had a massive rant the other day about how it should be pronounced neesh not nich with a friend of mine. I’m glad that you at least acknowledged the proper pronunciation. Haha.. Sorry just thought that was funny. great video though.


  38. June 18, 2011 at 12:51 pm | Permalink

    Hi Matt,

    I’ve been through all of your videos in the rapid profit formula and am now writing up many articles to fill up my site and submit to directories as well as doing all of the link building you mention needs to be done, however i noticed that you didn’t add much information regarding plugins for word press, other than All in one seo pack and one or two others. Is there a reason for that or am I missing something?

    Also i haven’t tagged any of my words in WP because you never covered it. Is it necessary to do so? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    Finally do you have or are you bringing out any more products in the same style as rapid profit formula? I must admit I was highly pleased with all of the content. I know you will be focusing on your master class, however at this stage i don’t think I can afford it just yet.




  39. June 22, 2011 at 4:39 pm | Permalink

    Thanks so much for providing individuals with a very wonderful opportunity to read in detail from this web site. It’s always so pleasing and as well , jam-packed with fun for me and my office acquaintances to search your blog a minimum of thrice every week to learn the fresh things you have. Not to mention, I’m also certainly amazed concerning the splendid points served by you. Certain 1 tips in this article are basically the most impressive we have ever had.


  40. July 2, 2011 at 3:27 pm | Permalink

    Hi Robert

    YOu can be an affiliate for most merchants no matter where you live, only problem is some US states have some annoying tax laws now.



  41. Michelle Haku's Gravatar Michelle Haku
    July 25, 2011 at 8:07 pm | Permalink

    Hi Matt

    First of all, I just wanted to sincerely thank you for your rapid profit formula.
    I have been online for approx 8months now, and have been jumping from product to product, trying to find the best ways to go about affiliate marketing, and I have been totally blown away with your rapid profit formula.There are so so many marketers that “show you the ropes” and then hold a tonne load back… Thank you so much…

    I also live in Australia (brisbane), I just have a couple of questions for you.
    I’ve honestly tried to use my initiative and search for these answers, but can’t find them. i’ve even seen one of your own Rapid Profit Formula buyers on the warrior forum asking a similar question, and nobody knew how to answer him.

    may i ask:
    1/ I understand that we need to link to Authority websites from our own page, I don’t quite understand why we do this, would u pls explain this to me. (this is the question that they couldn’t answer in the warrior forum)

    2/ I understand that if we can’t find atleast 1500 exact searches for 1 keyword, then we must use 1 x keyword per page… I don’t quite understand how to place those pages on my site?.. I can’t use a different keyword for the same product on seperate pages underneath each other?? in the same category??.. I just don’t quite understand how to set the posts out.

    Thank You so much Matt
    I really appreciate everything that you have helped me with.

    Kindest Regards


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Michelle

    Good to see you getting into the course, I’m sure you’ll do well.

    However this is not the place for support questions to do with my course. I have a support ticketing system built into the course for you, so please use that and we will reply and help you with your questions.

    Keep up the good work.

    Kind regards



  42. Michelle Haku's Gravatar Michelle Haku
    July 26, 2011 at 7:43 pm | Permalink

    sorry Matt!!

    will grab a support ticket now 🙂


  43. Keith's Gravatar Keith
    August 9, 2011 at 3:20 am | Permalink

    Hi Matt
    As always great information.
    I know you have probably told us this somewhere but, dose a site loose SEO value by putting dashes (-) in the domain name?

    Thank you much for your time!


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Keith

    No I don’t think dashes cause any loss in SEO value, they just don’t look as trust worthy to a viewer



  44. george jochem's Gravatar george jochem
    August 22, 2011 at 6:26 am | Permalink

    Matt:I purchased your program Rapid profit Formula but have not recieved the instructons on how to get into the Members Area I have sent 2 emails thus far and as yet no answer. please have the instructions sent to me,thank you I paid Pay Pal the $77.00 the sunday after listining to your presitation on the webinar Sunday August 12. Best Regards, George Jochem


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi George

    You would have automatically be sent an welcome email, so please check your inbox spam folder, its most likely in there, as I can see it got sent to you.

    You need to login here: with the logins you choose.

    Also please use the support ticketing system if you have any problems, as this is where we answer questions, and we don’t have any from you

    Kind regards



  45. Barry's Gravatar Barry
    August 22, 2011 at 9:20 am | Permalink

    Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying your training its great value for money and its the best training I have come accoss.
    Also thanks for all the extra free training Videos you keep sending me


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Your welcome Barry!




  46. Krishna Rao's Gravatar Krishna Rao
    August 23, 2011 at 11:36 pm | Permalink

    Matt:I purchased your program Rapid profit Formula, the rapid rewriter and outsourcing stuff in a series on 18/08/2011 after listining to your presitation on the webinar same day thriugh a link I could log into members area of RPF only but not into rapid rewriter and outsouecing info area. I paid $77+$67. I have also submitted a ticket in the support area of RPF. Will you do the needful?
    . Best Regards, Krishna Rao S V


    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Krishna

    Please submit a support ticket and we will help you with this



  47. Dave's Gravatar Dave
    August 25, 2011 at 11:59 pm | Permalink

    Hey Matt… Love Rapid Rewriter… saves me soooooo (I’d keep going with the “ooo’s but that would be getting ridiculous…)

    Anyway – Followed everything. Joined all three article distribution sites that you’ve got linked in the bottom of RR.

    My question is… Is it really necessary to join all three?

    In your honest opinion, do they each have their merits? It just seems like SEOLinkvine is similar to AMA.

    Any feedback would be great…

    You could just give me a one line answer like: “Dude. Each of them give you shitloads of backlinks. ”

    & I’d be happy.




    Matt Carter Reply:

    hi Dave

    You don’t have to join all three, just start with AMA for now.



  48. August 28, 2011 at 3:18 am | Permalink

    Hi Matt,

    Don’t know if you got my comment or emails but I really need to get this sorted. I like what your videos are teaching and I am learning a lot about wordpress.

    Nonetheless the sidebar on my pages is coming at the bottom and only one word per line is accepted in the categories section. I have done so many different things with WP but still nothing changes. I need help. The site is




    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Vasco

    Sorry about that, however it is something strange that sometimes happen with some hosting providers.

    I can’t help with this, and suggest using another WP theme




    Vasco Reply:

    Thanks Matt,

    However, I am using Hostgator as you suggested. Don’t you use this too?



  49. August 29, 2011 at 8:24 am | Permalink

    Hi, Matt —

    I’ve just entered my name and e-mail address for access to your video coaching series, and I’ve already added “” to my Contacts list. That was about 2 hours ago. How long does it take to receive the first video of the coaching series in my e-mail in-box?

    Yours sincerely,

    Cecilia Roesler


  50. Rox's Gravatar Rox
    August 31, 2011 at 10:42 pm | Permalink


    I received an email from you entitled ‘No Website Needed…Awesome Niche’ inviting to sign up. What I am not sure is if this program is suitable for absolute newbies like me who have very very little knowledge about IM. Please let me know if it would be advisable for me to join. Thanks.



    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Rox

    No that course is not suitable for a total newbie, as you are best to have atleast 6 months experience in SEO, so you can “sell” SEO as a consultant.




  51. September 6, 2011 at 12:42 am | Permalink


    For the life of me I have lost the details of your Affiliate wp theme and I really want to use it. Pleasde can you email me the link?



    Matt Carter Reply:

    Hi Geoff

    I just asked one of my staff to send it to your email




  52. September 9, 2011 at 2:46 am | Permalink

    Hi matt, I had the same problem as Vasco. Why is it that you are using hostgator and your blog looks fine? All I wanted is a solution for my problem. That is the reason I asked for a refund as I waited long enough from support to get an answer or a solution to my problem.

    (thanks for nothing btw)


    Matt Carter Reply:

    NO need to yell at me in this post Alan.

    For you info mate, the theme I provide is a free extra that I give out, so it does not come with support…simple solution, if it doesn’t work for you then DONT USE IT, use another free theme. Man I put out as much free and helpful stuff and as I can for people and do the right thing by my list and still I get this sort of insult….amazing!


    Alan Reply:

    Amazing when I waited nearly 3 weeks to get my problem sorted with the theme when you promised you are going to sort it out yourself. Why promise something if you can’t do it.

    The only person who is insulted here is me, who was promised to get the theme done in the right way.

    It’s funny how you ranted about your $1000 theme which don’t even work. So why give out something which you knew it didn’t work and you can’t fix? Everybody else can use another FREE theme.

    I’ve got no problem with your RAPID PROFIT FORMULA training, that’s second to none but your support is a complete let down.
    I’ve sent you about 5-6 emails regarding the site. At the end i gave up. I have paid for the service which I haven’t received.

    (Btw, I didn’t yell I just wanted to grab your attention as you deleted my previous comment when I only asked a question. )


  53. September 11, 2011 at 3:24 am | Permalink

    Hi Matt, I got a mesage from my web host, they suggested I upgrade my theme, I upgraded to latest sleek version, then I got second email they had gone ahead and patched the security hole for me, but wanted to let you know, I guess its used in your theme, here is the vulnerability:

    The timthumb.php file is a script commonly used in WordPress’s (and other software’s) themes and plugins to resize images. The exploit allows an attacker to arbitrarily upload and create files and/or folders on your account, which can then be used for a number of malicious tasks, including but not limited to defacement, browser high-jacking and infection, data harvesting and more. After a site has been exploited, it may lead to becoming labeled a “Malicious Website” by Google or other security authorities.

    Any timthumb.php file below version 1.35, but above version 1.09 is considered vulnerable, unless patched. To prevent being compromised, we advise you update all instances of timthumb.php to version 2.0, or patch the existing vulnerable files. Note that patching the files requires more in-depth knowledge of the PHP scripting language.


  54. Pål's Gravatar Pål
    September 14, 2011 at 7:08 pm | Permalink

    Hey Matt,

    Could you please be a little more specific about when the webinars are held? Because EDT is four different time zones around the world and it’s a hard time for us Europeans to know exactly which one is the EDT you’re talking about.

    How about just announcing that you will be holding a webinar at for example 9 pm UTC +2 or -7, depending on what time zone you’re really in?

    That would be REALLY helpful. 🙂

    Thanks 🙂


    Matt Carter Reply:

    I am specific, in the emails I always say New York USA time


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About Matt

Hey, Matt here, I'm a full time Super Affiliate, 33 years old, and live in New Zealand with my wife and son.

The internet is a brilliant way to make money. I encourage you to sign up above and start with my free 12 part affiliate marketing video course, and follow on facebook
